Katherine Penney
Jeremiah 1:7 says, “But the Lord answered me, Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak.” This passage strikes fear, anger, joy and question into me.
I have read this passage over and over again; each time I feel something different spark inside me. I guess one could say that I’m challenged by my Savior in this verse, but only through this challenge am I encouraged.
All around me I hear adults saying that I am “too young to handle that,” or that I am “too young to understand.” I hear this so often I have grown to believe it myself. How could I not? However, after reading this verse I have begun to realize that I cannot use my age as an excuse any longer. God is challenging me.
I feel a sense of responsibility. By God saying that I cannot say I am too young because to him I am mature enough to carry out his plan. He knows me better than anyone. He has faith in me that is so beyond my understanding. He wants me to have faith in him too. However, his having faith in me makes doing what he wishes so much more fulfilling.
As a teenager I desire freedom. I yearn to discover who I am and what I am meant to do. The world around me says that this freedom will bring me happiness and fulfillment. This verse appears to tell me that I will have no freedom as it states that I “shall go.”
My generation has been convinced that once one reaches a certain age, they have the freedom to come and go as they please. This verse challenges my cravings to be free. However, as I pondered this I came to the realization that I will only be free going where he wishes me to go. I am encouraged as I realize that he has my happiness in mind, and that my fulfillment will come from where he wants me to go.
Society tells me that I am too young to feel such fulfillment, but this statement tells me that I am not too young to be fulfilled and that where He wants me is where I will be free.
My generation tends to struggle with acceptance. However many times we are told not to give into peer pressure, we fear to stand out. The verse tells us “whatever I command you, you shall speak.”
Even though I go to a Catholic school, I am ridiculed for even mentioning God. If I cannot even speak the Gospel at my school without being ridiculed, how could I speak in a place where the word of God is foreign and not received? I, like so many other teenagers, fear to be ridiculed. In fact, it is my biggest fear. However, through recent experiences I have found myself saying words that are not mine. They seem to come at the best time right when I need them.
I prayed about this for a while and had a moment of understanding. God gave me the words to say. With this knowledge I find comfort in the understanding that I will always receive the right words. I am not sure where God’s plan is leading me, but I am confident that he will not leave me to do it alone.
So do I feel challenged by this verse from Jeremiah? Of course, but so would anyone. However, I think the real question is am I up for the challenge? Then I think, when has he steered me wrong?