Tapas and Tinis

Tickets are now available for the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School's annual Tapas and Tinis in Rogers Feb. 23, the school’s biggest fundraiser and a really fun night! This event sold out last year, so get your tickets and reserved tables early! You may purchase tickets today online at www.svdptapasandtinis.com or contact Katie Smith at (817) 729-9813 or ktjdfw@yahoo.com. Tickets are $65 a person (your seats will be selected for you) or Knights Tables of 10 people are $700 (a table will be reserved for you and your guests). The highlight of the fundraiser is our silent & live auctions and the Big Board. The Committee is working hard to have unique items for the auctions. If you would like to donate items or services, please contact Adriana Rodriguez at abrod13594@gmail.com.

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