Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Dec. 15 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete digital editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Washington trip inspired Subiaco’s Students for Life group
Recalling how Subiaco Academy’s Students for Life group came about, faculty sponsor Brother John Paul Richey, OSB, said the idea was inspired by a trip last year to the National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Littlest angels
An emotional Brandy Howard of Maumelle accepts a hand-sewn angel in memory of her daughter, Hope Suzanne, during the Holy Sews Christmas Angels Memorial Service held … (Photo)

Father Beshoner was a priest for 57 years
Father Sebastian Beshoner, OSB, monk of Subiaco Abbey, died Nov. 19. He was 82. (Obituaries)

Religious emblems
The Diocesan Boy Scout Retreat was held Nov. 9-11 at St. Joseph Center in North Little Rock. The retreat is held … (Photo)

Church urges ‘circle of protection’ for poor in budget debate
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Catholic social teaching’s concern for human life and dignity stood front and center as the role of federal spending was debated by political leaders and assessed by the electorate in a presidential election year.

Pope: Catholic works not ‘just another form of social service’
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Since its release Dec. 1, Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter on the “service of charity” has provoked widespread speculation on how it might affect Catholic charitable agencies in their fundraising, hiring and selection of projects.

In prayer, we can satisfy God’s thirst
A few weeks ago, our entire family spent 10 days together at Disney World. Our kids worked and planned for almost a year to make this gathering a special and memorable time for every family member. I was deeply moved as they responded to their desire to be together by carving out space and time in order to nurture our family relationship. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

What is the true meaning of Christmas?
“Jesus demoted himself when he became like us in bodily form because he loves us. At Christmas, we celebrate his birth by giving gifts like Jesus gave his gifts to us. …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Not saving the world; the world is saving me
In my September column, I wrote about one of the most difficult situations I’ve had to face yet as a priest: being with a couple who had just been notified that the baby they had so eagerly awaited for five months would be born dead. The next most difficult thing, if not equally difficult, was yet to come. (Columns)

With bipartisan effort, it could finally happen
Comprehensive and compassionate immigration reform is what the Catholic Church has been pushing for for years. (Editorial)

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