Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Dec. 1 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete digital editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope calling for truce as violence escalates in Gaza
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI condemned escalating hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians, saying hatred and violence are never an appropriate solution to problems.

Catholics decry: ‘Peace never comes with blood’
JERUSALEM (CNS) — As diplomatic efforts were underway to reach a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel Nov. 20, Catholics on both sides of the Gaza border prayed for peace.

Food for the hungry
Mount St. Mary Academy ninth-grade students Emily Crow, Maggie Lodge, Elizabeth Henry, Caroline Webre, Abby Straessle, Hope Ritchey and Karin Schienvar present a trailer full of cans for the Robin Hood Days can collection. (Photo)

Department changed to Office of Faith Formation
Effective Dec. 1 the Office for Religious Education and Christian Initiation will be known as the Office of Faith Formation.

Before Advent and Christmas, pope releases book on Nativity story
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Nativity story, like the whole story of Christ, is not merely an event in the past, but has unfolding significance for people today, with implications for such issues as the limits of political power and the purpose of human freedom, Pope Benedict writes in his third and final volume on the life and teachings of Jesus.

Vatican II reflection reveals the dynamism of the Church and our faith
Recently, while teaching a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults session, I made reference to the fact that our Catholic faith is not only a biblical religion relying on the written words of sacred Scripture, but also one that relies on the living word which opens our hearts to a greater understanding of our faith. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

What is one place you dream of visiting? Why?
I have always dreamed of visiting Rome because of all the history that took place there. My Uncle Bill traveled …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

‘Life of Pi’ a religious parable for moviegoers
NEW YORK (CNS) — Religious themes are central to director Ang Lee’s visually artful screen version of Yann Martel’s best-selling novel “Life of Pi” (Fox). Indeed, this exotic 3-D fable bills itself as a story calculated to make the agnostic reporter (Rafe Spall) to whom its unlikely events are recounted “believe in God.” (Movie review)

Time for prayer, Scripture reading brings new vision to life
Early one morning, as the old car with a loud muffler pulled beside me once again, I realized my prayer life has been renewed. (Columns)

Good grief! Atheists oppose Charlie Brown
Every December we hear stories about how city, state and federal governments are trying to eradicate even the mentioning of Christmas. They say it is the separation of church and state. (Editorial)

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