Bishop McDonald’s 40th episcopal anniversary

Click on a headline below to read selected stories from the special issue celebrating Bishop Emeritus Andrew J. McDonald’s 40th anniversary of ordination as a bishop which appeared in the Sept. 9, 2012 issue of Arkansas Catholic.

Bishop McDonald’s ruby anniversary
Even after 40 years, the moment he was told he would become a bishop and be leading the Diocese of Little Rock is still fresh in Bishop Andrew J. McDonald’s mind.

Priests, employees reflect on Bishop McDonald’s impact on diocese
Priests and diocesan employees who worked with Bishop McDonald during his 28 years as the Little Rock bishop share some of the reasons why they appreciated the bishop and his impact on this diocese.

A day in the life, today
One of Bishop McDonald’s daily tasks at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Palatine, Ill., is to celebrate Mass and deliver the homily.

Moments mark Bishop McDonald’s career
A timeline of notable dates in Bishop McDonald’s 40 years since being ordained a bishop of Little Rock.

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