The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete digital editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Seven years after Katrina, archbishop calls timing ‘eerie’
NEW ORLEANS (CNS) — On the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina Aug. 29, Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond offered prayers for people in the Archdiocese of New Orleans impacted by slow-moving Hurricane Isaac.
Aenid Marie Sims Womble, 100, a member of the Immaculate Conception Church in Fort Smith, died June 8.
Price of altar breads expected to rise after Midwest drought
GREENVILLE, R.I. (CNS) — Manufacturers of altar bread are preparing to face rising costs of wheat flour as grain prices fluctuate in the wake of a severe drought that continues to plague the Midwest and Western Canada. But they expect to pass along only a minimal price increase to their customers.
Iowa wineries expect good grapes for altar wines despite drought
DURANGO, Iowa (CNS) — As summer winds down, vineyards across Iowa are now harvesting this year’s “fruit of the vine.” Despite the worst drought in recent memory, growers foresee a good crop, mostly because grape vines can thrive without much moisture.
Can you receive Communion twice in one day?
Q. What are the Church’s guidelines for someone receiving Communion more than once a day? Some examples are: attending Mass on a Saturday morning, a Saturday evening vigil Mass and Mass again on Sunday morning; also, attending a weekday Mass in the morning and then a healing Mass that same evening. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Praying mothers were behind some gold-medal athletes
The one thing that may be harder than being an Olympian is being the parent of an Olympian. As I watched the London games, I was awed by the athletes and charmed by their parents. (Columns)
Elected or electorate: Both need civility
The Knights of Columbus are trying to get the Republican and Democratic candidates for president and vice president to have civil dialogues and not make personal attacks before the presidential election in November, but this request may be impossible in today’s climate. (Editorial)