“Behold, I Make All Things New” was the theme for the 20th annual Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Conference, held Aug. 3-5 in North Little Rock.
Event organizers said 440 attendees from nine states were on hand for three days of worship, healing and prayer. Father Tony Robbins, pastor of St. Louis Church in Camden, served as master of ceremonies. Highlights included a healing service, talks delivered by Father John Gallagher, international evangelizer, Dr. William Mitchell a physician from Baton Rogue, La., and motivational speaker and author Dennis Holt of Pocahontas. The event concluded with Bishop Anthony B. Taylor celebrating Sunday Mass.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement got its start in 1967 on the college campuses of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and the University of Notre Dame among others. Worship services are vibrant, energizing scenes with attendees frequently raising their hands and praying in tongues. Prophecy and healing are also hallmarks of the movement, which is rooted in Biblical teaching and endorsed by the Vatican.