Also in Arkansas Catholic’s July 28 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete digital editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Niece tells one man’s journey of faith, dedication to Jesus
Debbie Bewley never started out to write and publish a book; she merely wanted to document the faith and stories of her great uncle, Buddy Fly.

After 30 years in Syria, Jesuit expelled for speaking against government
ROME (CNS) — Italian Jesuit Father Paolo Dall’Oglio was expelled from Syria in mid-June after he intensified his public calls for democratic change in the country.

As people of hope, we live our lives differently and reflect our faith
We are living in a contentious time in the Church. There are many debates going on and challenges to teachings and practices of Catholic life. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

How can you show God’s love to others?
“I can show God’s love to others by inviting them to church. Also I can be nice and treat others how I want to be treated.” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Taking a vacation doesn’t mean taking a break from Mass
One of the best things about taking our family vacation is that we never know what unusual experiences will occur. There is at least one surprise. (Columns)

Message on bumper could give a man ideas
I pulled up behind a four-wheel-drive vehicle at a stoplight near our home the other day. Across the rear bumper, the driver had stenciled, in quite large red letters, “Driver Has No Money.” (Opinions)

Olympic athletes rally Americans together
Archbishop John Quinn, former bishop of San Francisco, tells this story: At the Special Olympics in Seattle years ago there were nine physically or mentally disabled runners competing in a 100-yard dash. At the start, one boy stumbled, fell and started to cry. (Editorial)

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