The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete digital editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Pull out: Events in the Diocese of Little Rock 2012-2013
This pull-out two-sided poster is a convenient way for Catholics in Arkansas to plan or attend events all over the state. Plans are subject to change, so call in advance to confirm times and locations.
Proposal would stop penalties for religious employers
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Saying that the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “leaves intact a grave assault to religious freedoms,” Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., announced July 10 that he would introduce the Religious Freedom Tax Repeal Act.
More parishes offering Mass in Spanish
Hispanic ministry in the Diocese of Little Rock continues to grow. According to statistics gathered in October 2011 on weekend Mass attendance, there are 41 parishes that offer Mass in Spanish at least once a month in the Diocese of Little Rock.
Food aid cuts in farm bill ‘unjustified’
WASHINGTON (CNS) — A proposed $16 billion cut in the nation’s Supplemental Nutritional and Assistance Program is “unjustified and wrong,” said a joint letter from the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ domestic and international justice committees, leaders of Catholic Relief Services and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference.
Heresies seep into modern Christianity, author proclaims
In an impressive survey of American Christianity from the 1950s to the present day, Ross Douthat demonstrates that in a great many cases traditional faith has morphed into absolute heresy. Furthermore, this heresy has contributed to the political, economic and social crises we now face. (Book review)
God knows caregiving is hard work
God knows caregiving is hard. God knows caregiving is work. God alone knows all the particular circumstances — the feelings and emotions, the life experiences and personality quirks, the baggage and hot buttons can make taking care of another person hard work. (Your Family, Seeds of Faith)
God’s mercy felt following painful death of a friend
A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine went out into his garden on a lovely spring day and shot himself in the heart. He died instantly. He was 71. (Columns)
Common sense from the court on immigration
Given all of the attention that followed the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act — attention that was certainly warranted, by the way — there’s a chance that the high court’s ruling on the draconian Arizona immigration law may not have received the attention it deserved. (Opinions)