The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
43 Catholic groups file suits to stop HHS mandate
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Forty-three Catholic dioceses, schools, hospitals, social service agencies and other institutions filed suit in federal court May 21 to stop three government agencies from implementing a mandate that would require them to cover contraceptives and sterilization in their health plans.
Father Bill Thomas never forgot his Franciscan roots
Father William Thomas, who recently retired as pastor of St. Mary Church in Hot Springs, died May 18 in Hot Springs following a lengthy illness. He was 74. (Obituaries)
Poetry Contest Winners
In Hot Springs St. John School teacher Donna Kent (center) stands with St. John School seventh-grade students Elizabeth Patrico and Hannah Isaacs who were recognized at a Poets Roundtable of Arkansas workshop in Little Rock May 5. (Photo)
Violence in Latin America also a threat to security in U.S.
WASHINGTON (CNS) — In a country that has seen more than 50,000 deaths in six years, it took the finding of 49 headless bodies, some also missing arms or legs, to shock Mexican officials.
U.S. Catholic population reaches nearly 59 million in 2010
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Catholic population stood at 58.9 million in 2010, according to a new census of religious congregations.
’For Greater Glory’ tells history, faith of Cristero Rebellion
NEW YORK (CNS) — “Viva Cristo Rey!” “Long live Christ the King!” Such was the rallying cry of the Cristeros — devout Mexican Catholics driven into open, sometimes violent, opposition to their government during the1920s by its policy of persecution against the Church. This pious exclamation also serves as the stirring refrain of the powerful historical drama recounting those events, “For Greater Glory.” (Movie Review)
Marriage is a dance you both learn as you go
John Michael Montgomery sings: “Life’s a dance you learn as you go.” How true this is for marriage. After the honeymoon ordinary life starts abruptly for every couple. It requires a high level of give and take, and spouses must learn to adjust to each other’s style and preferences. (Marriage Matters, Seeds of Faith)
A final lesson for my sons before college this fall
You are preaching to the choir if you tell me, “My, how time flies.” I only thought the years were moving fast, but since our children began junior high and high school, time has been moving faster and faster. (Columns)