The Blessings of Life

Click on a headline below to read columns from the special “Blessings of Life” series which appeared on the Columns page of Arkansas Catholic beginning May 12, 2012.

Working mothers, family benefit from NFP through openness
I am typically a private person, so this column is a little outside my comfort zone. However, the recent debate regarding the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate and the Church has prompted me to rethink what my comfort zone should be.
June 30, 2012

Responsible parenthood: Monitoring fertility cycle, following God’s will
My husband leaned in close, “They are going to give you some medicine that will make it stop.” He meant “stop my heart,” not the contractions. I’m a multi-tasker — I was experiencing both pre-term labor and a persistent heart arrhythmia.
June 23, 2012

Dignity of motherhood: Love and sacrifice are intertwined
When we get married, we are called to enter into a union that is a total gift of self to each other. In this way we mirror God’s love for us, as he totally gave himself to save us from our sins.
June 16, 2012

Embrace your Catholic faith fully, respect your body naturally
As a practicing general pediatrician, I occasionally get asked to prescribe contraceptives. People ask very casually for “the pill” and are often surprised when I tell them I do not prescribe them.
June 9, 2012

Using artificial birth control can damage marriage
Recently there has been much debate regarding what is best for women. As a woman I feel bombarded by countless messages about what others believe is good for me, my body and my sexuality.
May 26, 2012

NFP has brought more joy, faith into my marriage
My husband Ed and I have been married eight years. We were not always on the natural family planning (NFP) bandwagon. It took a lot of prayer, years of bad decisions and some very encouraging friends to help us find the way.
May 19, 2012

Many Catholic women embrace Church’s teachings on life
Introduction to the special column series, by Father Jason Tyler.
May 12, 2012

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