Also in Arkansas Catholic’s May 12 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope calls on American colleges to strengthen Catholic identity
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI called on America’s Catholic colleges and universities to reaffirm their Catholic identity by ensuring orthodoxy in theological studies and accepting the oversight of bishops.

Catholic homes up 3.9 percent across diocese
The Catholic population in Arkansas increased 3.9 percent to 137,287 in 2011. There are nearly 50,000 Catholic households in the state.

Getting ready for the summer
The Fishing Club from Arkansas Tech University presents a program on water safety April 25 for the students at St. John School in Russellville. (Photo)

Signs of the times
Students at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro gather around the new sign for Blessed John Newman University Parish they bought with money collected for parking during football games. (Photo)

A day they will always remember
Preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time takes a lot of time and prayers for parishes, schools and families. Second graders from St. Joseph School and from parish religious education classes in Conway attended a First Communion retreat April 22 in anticipation of receiving Communion April 28.

Does Mass on TV satisfy my Sunday obligation?
Q. I would like to know whether watching Mass on television fulfills one’s obligation. My husband never goes to church, but he does watch Mass on TV every Sunday. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Many Catholic women embrace Church’s teachings on life
If you haven’t read the U.S. bishops’ April 12 statement “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” it’s worth a few minutes of your time. (Columns, new series “The Blessings of Life”)

Peoria bishop’s boldest claims aren’t reported
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky’s homily at the “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” Mass in Peoria on April 14 is making headlines because it included some daring assertions. The reporters covering and analyzing the story in the ensuing days weren’t actually at the Mass. Neither were the vast majority of the thousands now sharing their opinions via social media, radio call-in shows, e-mails, etc. (Opinions, Guest Commentary)

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