Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Feb. 11 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Komen for the Cure reinstates grants to Planned Parenthood
DALLAS (CNS) — The Feb. 3 decision by Susan G. Komen for the Cure to reinstate grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates for breast cancer screenings was the result of a “vicious attack” on the organization, said a pro-life leader.

Springdale church still leads top 10
For the past decade, St. Raphael Church in Springdale has been the largest church in the Diocese of Little Rock. One out of every seven Catholics in the state belongs to this parish.

Catholic school history
During an open house at St. Vincent de Paul School in Rogers Jan. 29, the first and second graders put on a program documenting the history of Catholic schools in Arkansas. (Photo)

Faith card for wallet identifies Catholics
MANCHESTER, England (CNS) — English and Welsh bishops are producing a million “faith cards” to identify the holders as Catholics in the event of an accident.

Lawmakers, voters in several states to address same-sex marriage
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The same-sex marriage issue will be facing lawmakers and voters in several states this year.

Parish reaches out to Super Bowl fans
INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — A historic Indianapolis church was at the center of festivities surrounding the Feb. 5 Super Bowl XLVI at Lucas Oil Stadium.

2011’s top 10 films take on the past, with innovations
NEW YORK (CNS) — In late 1965, the three-decade-old National Legion of Decency announced that it was changing its name to the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures.

Can grandparents serve as confirmation sponsors?
Q. In the past, I have been privileged to be the confirmation sponsor for two of my grandchildren, one in Kentucky and the other in Indiana. Another grandchild is scheduled to be confirmed soon and was told that neither parents nor grandparents could be sponsors. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Be still and silent: Take a leap for faith on Feb. 29
Brian Williams took time from his nightly newscast last month to announce that comedian Russell Brand had filed for divorce from singer Katy Perry, ending a marriage that had barely cleared the one-year mark. (Columns)

In defense of marriage: One man, one woman
In the month when thoughts often turn to love, we celebrate National Marriage Week Feb. 7-14 and World Marriage Day Feb. 12. (Editorial)

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