When Catholics are thinking of planning or revising their wills, the Diocese of Little Rock is the perfect charity to include as a beneficiary.
Dianne Brady and George Sanders of the diocese’s Stewardship and Development Office would like to see more individuals consider making the diocese a beneficiary when writing their wills.
“End-of-life gifts (say) what is important to me,” Sanders said. “We want to encourage them to make sure that those who come after us are able to experience the same vitality and strength of the Catholic faith that we have enjoyed. We want to make sure they have that same rich experience. That is what end-of-life gifts are able to do. A gift to the diocese will continue the ongoing gift of the Gospel. Your gift will ensure that your children and your children’s children are able to experience the same grandeur and greatness of the Catholic faith.”
These gifts could assist with outreach to the poor, educating seminarians and children and taking care of retired priests.
With more end-of-life gifts to the diocese, current programs can be assured that they will continue and other projects can be started.
“These end-of-life gifts, these wills are very, very important for the viability and betterment of our mission,” Sanders said. “It assures that long after we are gone, those things will go. It’s a great gift of love. Those things you treasure in life, the best way to honor them is to assure that after your death they continue.”
The diocese is happy to receive any size of gift.
“Wills are not just for the rich,” Sanders said. “We want it to be the natural reaction when we are putting together our will that we always remember the Church. If it’s important to you now, it should be important to you then.”
Anyone interested in learning more about planned giving should call Sanders at (501) 664-0340.