A Catholic You Want to Know

Click on a headline below to read stories from Arkansas Catholic’s special series on Catholics in the Diocese of Little Rock that you want to know.

Ashdown pastor, parish rely on Veldah Eberwein
Veldah’s pastor, Father Paul Worm, said of her: “I don’t know what I would do without Veldah in Ashdown. She and her two sisters, Rosemary and Eunace, are mainstays at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church and take care of just about every aspect of the community’s life, from writing the checks to singing in the choir.

Hoyts keeping faith and family together in Rogers
Ronnie Hoyt, one of the 40 deacons recently ordained in the diocese, left a high-octane career as senior vice president of merchandising at Wal-Mart in 2007 to spend a year with family, volunteering and serving in the church. Since 2011, he has shared his management skills with the church as parish manager. Also serving are his son, Tony, in the Life Teen and music ministries, and his wife Sharon, who is involved in the funeral meals ministry and is a catechist for youth ministry programs.

In work or health, Annette Tracy knows God has a plan
For 18 years, Annette Tracy has seen the cruelty of which humanity is capable as a crime scene specialist with the Little Rock Police Department and before that as a member of the California Highway Patrol. But regardless of what the day brings, she views all she encounters through the lens of her faith, carrying out her official duties with the compassion and respect all Catholics are called to show their fellow man.

Rogers woman accompanies husband on diaconate journey
After leaving California in 2006, Rosario and her family left behind a close-knit parish family to move to Rogers. Now, six years later, the couple plans to celebrate Arturo’s ordination as a permanent deacon Nov. 17.

Tom Devine: Committed Catholic, defender of justice
After walking away from a potentially lucrative career as a trial lawyer, Tom has been a fixture in the state’s public defender’s office for the past 27 years.

Faith and family are key to Duge Gramlich
Gramlich was recently honored by his parish for a lifetime of service, as a trustee of the Endowment Fund and for his work in parish sports and school programs, missions and special events.

Father-daughter duo praises the Lord together at St. Mary’s
Al Espinda and Kristi Gonzalez are father and daughter and serve as the choir director and cantor at St. Mary Church in North Little Rock.

Boeckmann dedicates days, weekends to parish
As the parish’s office assistant, Henry Boeckmann is ready to help pastor Father Arokiasamy Madhichetty Irudayaraj and administrative assistant Louise Hess with office and liturgical duties.

Barbara Wragg: In Fayetteville with an Irish heart of gold
A native of Northern Ireland, Wragg married an Englishman and lived in South Africa for a number of years before the family moved to Arkansas, first to Pine Bluff and 15 years ago to Fayetteville where she began cleaning at the church a decade ago.

McElyea: 30 years of forming faith in Little Rock
A native of the Netherlands, Marianne McElyea came to the United States with her native Arkansan husband in 1971 and has been involved with faith formation at St. Theresa Church in Little Rock since 1982.

Bunting leads in the black Catholic community
Since 2008, Verdell Bunting has served as president of the Diocesan Council for Black Catholics.

Capshaw: Sharing a joyful noise for 40 years
A former public school fine arts teacher, Chrys Capshaw has been one of St. Edward’s organists in Texarkana since 1972, and for many years also served as choir director.

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