Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Nov. 12 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Rep writes letters of penance to families
WASHINGTON (CNS) — When President Barack Obama announced plans Oct. 21 to pull the 44,000 U.S. troops out of Iraq by the end of the year, perhaps no one on Capitol Hill was more pleased than Rep. Walter B. Jones.

Blessing of graves
Father James Melnick, associate pastor of St. Joseph Church in Conway, blesses the Thessing family plot at St. Joseph Cemetery Nov. 6 in honor of All Souls Day, which is celebrated Nov. 2 each year. (News photo)

Dioceses working to prepare faithful for new missal
WASHINGTON (CNS) — In real estate, the mantra is “location, location, location.” When it comes to preparing Catholics for the introduction of the new Roman Missal, the mantra could well be “catechesis, catechesis, catechesis.” (Roman Missal series)

Author hopes to guide readers in how to ’abide in God’s presence’
FORT SMITH — Words can bless, inspire, teach, encourage and summon Christians to authenticity.

Amid violence in Mexico, Day of the Dead takes on new meaning
TEPOZTLAN, Mexico (CNS) — “Dia de los Muertos,” the traditional Mexican commemoration of deceased loved ones, has taken on a deeper meaning in light of drug-related violence in recent years.

Six episodes of ’Catholicism’ to air on EWTN
Father Robert Barron and his film crew visited more than 50 locations in 16 different countries during the two years it took to produce a multimillion dollar documentary on the Catholic faith and history.

Does chewing gum during Mass break the fast?
Q. I often witness adults chewing gum during Sunday Mass and then going right up to receive holy Communion. Am I wrong in thinking that chewing gum breaks the one-hour fast that Catholics are required to observe before receiving the precious body and blood? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Virtus training is not about us; it’s about innocent children
My mind was racing as I sat near the front of the class. I did not want to take the child sexual abuse awareness program called Virtus that is required by our diocese. As a matter of fact, I resented it. (Columns)

Let’s call it ’52 Weeks for Life’
Forty Days for Life has been operating in Arkansas for more than three years. Each Lent and fall, prayerful people stand outside Little Rock’s abortion clinic and the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Fayetteville to pray for an end to chemical and surgical abortions. (Editorial)

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