The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Fort Smith’s well-known centenarian
Sister De Chantal Hyland, OSB, blows out her “105” candles at her birthday party in St. Scholastica Monastery Infirmary in Fort Smith. (News photo)
Blessing and Praise
Msgr. Scott Marczuk, pastor of St. Stephen Church in Bentonville, sprinkles holy water Saturday, Oct. 1 on Praise, with Rachel Hesse and Jon Martinez watching. (News photo)
Roman Missal binds Catholics across 2,000 years of history
WASHINGTON (CNS) — When the third edition of the English-language version of the Roman Missal is implemented at Advent, it will mark the continuing evolution of the eucharistic liturgy that began in the earliest days of the Church.
Retired seamstress donates heirloom baptismal gowns to schools
Mary Ellen Smith began sewing as a child in Kansas and is using her expertly sewn baptismal gowns to raise money for Catholic schools in Benton and Hot Springs.
Sister to lead Fort Smith United Way
FORT SMITH — Sister Judith Marie Keith, RSM, is the campaign chairwoman for the 2011 United Way of Fort Smith area campaign. She is the first woman religious ever to hold the position.
Archbishop Sartain delivers homily at Red Mass in D.C.
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Human beings are not fully alive until they live for something greater than themselves, said Seattle Archbishop J. Peter Sartain at the 58th annual Red Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington Oct. 2.
Study of families: Cohabitation more harmful to children than divorce
WASHINGTON (CNS) — While studies have long shown the negative effects on children of divorce compared to those from two-parent households, a new study has determined that children born to cohabiting couples fare even worse than children from divorced families.
Three days of mourning proclaimed after Egyptian protest turns violent
CAIRO (CNS) — Orthodox Pope Shenouda III declared three days of mourning, fasting and prayer for victims of peaceful protests that turned violent, and church and government leaders called for Egypt to reaffirm its commitment to religious freedom.
As Mexican cartels respond to pressure, priests threatened
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (CNS) — Ministering in a city where crime is pervasive and murders occur at an alarming rate, Columban Father Kevin Mullins knows he’s been very fortunate.
Mass attendance improves your marriage
Have you ever awoken on Sunday morning and debated whether or not to go to Mass? (Marriage Matters, Seeds of Faith)
Working with a disabled man is God’s gift to me
I visited Billy on Thursday evening. He had a brainstem stroke on Christmas Eve 2010. He can’t talk. He can move his jaw a little. He can move his eyes up and down, but not left or right. That is all he can do. (Columns)
The good and bad in U.S. immigration laws
This fall we can see clear examples of how some laws in the United States can support undocumented Hispanic children and some laws can hurt them. (Editorial)