The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
10th anniversary memorial
St. Joseph High School student Abby Trussell reads an accounting of what took place on Sept 11, 2001, during a memorial service commemorating the 10th anniversary of that event at the Conway high school’s flag pole on Sept. 9. (News photo)
Arkansan is new Hispanic ministry director in Jefferson City, Mo.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Enrique Castro thinks about how big his family is whenever he prays the “Our Father.”
Newest members admit they were reluctant to follow call
Growing up, Sister Mary Clare Bezner, OSB, was adamant that she would never join a religious order. Her sole dreams were to become a nurse, get married and have children.
More divorce in Arkansas: Earlier weddings, higher marriage rates
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The highest divorce rates for both men and women tend to be in states where the marriage rate is also highest, according to a report issued Aug. 25 by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Report: More people around world have religion restricted
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Close to one-third of the world’s citizens have faced increased restrictions on religious practice and expression imposed on them by their respective nations’ governments, according to a study issued Aug. 9 by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Public Life.
The big heart inside our small heart
It’s common, particularly among religious commentators, to describe the human heart as small, narrow and petty: How small-hearted and petty we are! (Seeds of Faith)
What do you think is best about being a priest or a nun?
“The best part about being a priest or nun would have to be the sense of closeness to God because of how much they willingly gave up to be with him. …” (Seeds of Faith, Youthspeak)
Small book answers big questions on life, death
The world of medicine offers an astonishing array of possibilities that can be troublesome for people of faith. For the person of faith, the choices regarding medical decisions should reflect what the Church teaches, the foundation of a well-formed conscience. (Book review)
Judging yourself based on number of friends, fans, followers
My friend is blogging again after a four-month hiatus. “In the last week, two people have asked me about this little blog of mine, and because my ego is easily stroked,” she wrote, “I’m back.” (Columns)
International court no place to prosecute pope
This week the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and several clergy abuse victims announced they were asking the International Criminal Court to investigate the pope and other top officials at the Vatican for their responsibility in the abuse of children by priests. (Editorial)