Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Aug. 20 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Christian groups weigh in on U.S. debt crisis
WASHINGTON (CNS) — After President Barack Obama signed the Budget Control Act Aug. 2 to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, a collective sigh of tentative relief was immediately followed by plenty of speculation and analysis of what the country should do next. (News)

Bazaar winnings
Zac Schichtl (right) shows off a goldfish he won for his girlfriend, Amanda Mathews, during the 99th annual St Joseph School Bazaar in Conway Aug. 5-6. (News photo)

God was 34th man in the mine, Chilean recalls
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The dramatic and uplifting story of survival and a rescue that captivated the world one year ago unfolds in “Against All Odds: Rescue at the Chilean Mine,” a new exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington.

Gil Morgan was deacon in Benton for nine years
Deacon Gilbert Paul “Gil” Morgan, 58, a member of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Benton, died July 25. (Obituaries)

Dear homilists, please make your point in about six minutes
NEW ORLEANS (CNS) — For eight days at Loyola University New Orleans, three priests and five deacons absorbed the cool mathematics and internal symmetry of good preaching. (News)

Prayers for rain rise up in drought-stricken Southwest U.S.
WASHINGTON (CNS) — There’s a lot of praying for rain going on in the drought-gripped Southwest, but those prayers have yet to be answered. (News)

What is the Holy Spirit and how does it work in your life?
“The Spirit is a mighty rushing wind and a gentle breeze. It is a mighty light from the sun and it is a lone candle. The Holy Spirit is always present, always working, but it …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Scripture, tradition form the rock of our faith
In a world in which more and more mainline Protestant churches, and even some evangelical churches, have departed from the traditional interpretations of the Scriptures, many of us find ourselves more and more Catholic. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Diocese of Orange increases bid for famed Crystal Cathedral
ORANGE, Calif. (CNS) — The Diocese of Orange has upped its bid to buy the Crystal Cathedral complex in Garden Grove from $50 million to $53.6 million. (News)

Gratitude: Moving beyond guilt to help those who are less fortunate
As I stood in the checkout line at Costco, surrounded by carts loaded with food, I thought, “We truly live in the land of milk and honey. Every type of food needed to live the good life is available, and its variety is endless.” (Columns)

Americans want their president to be devout
Once again the religious views of our president and presidential candidates are being discussed. While President Obama was running for president and even after his election, it was common to see stories about whether he was really Christian. (Editorial)

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