Priests, lay people serve as editors for the first hundred years

Msgr. John M. Lucey, 1911
Father Augustine Stocker, OSB, 1911-1922
Fr. George H. McDermott, 1922-1933
Msgr. John P. Fisher, 1933
Fr. Harold Heagney, 1933-1936
Msgr. Thomas J. Prendergast, 1935-1959
William O’Donnell, 1959-1981
Karl A. Christ, 1981-1989
Deborah K. Halter, 1989-1993
Pete Hoelscher, 1993-1994
Malea Hargett, 1994-present

Managing Editors
William O’Connell, 1981-1985
Fr. Joseph Conyard, SJ, 1985-1988
Fr. Albert J. Schneider, 1988-1994
Msgr. Francis I. Malone, JCL, 1995-1997
Daniel C. Straessle, 1997-2000

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