From Mass to movies, students celebrate Catholic Schools Week

Braden Mueller (left), Seth Kupers, Brooke Matthews, teacher Colleen Sheridan, Kirsten James and Mary Treacy from St. Vincent de Paul School in Rogers wear crazy hair for Catholic Schools Week in January 2010. Students could wear crazy hair to school if they brought canned goods for the parish's food pantry.
Braden Mueller (left), Seth Kupers, Brooke Matthews, teacher Colleen Sheridan, Kirsten James and Mary Treacy from St. Vincent de Paul School in Rogers wear crazy hair for Catholic Schools Week in January 2010. Students could wear crazy hair to school if they brought canned goods for the parish's food pantry.

Our Lady of Fatima

On Sunday the banners that students made in art class will be hung in church for all Masses. On Monday, an all-school pep rally will be followed by evening games in the gym with free popcorn. On Tuesday, a family movie night with for parish and school families will be held with free hot dogs and popcorn. On Wednesday, the school will make Valentine treats for the parish’s shut-ins as well as Valentines for deployed servicemen and women. On Thursday a prayer service and blessing of throats for the feast of St. Blaise will be held. It is also Chinese New Year and the school will celebrate with fortune cookies for lunch. On Friday, students will bring sleeping bags and picnic lunches as teachers plan special literacy activities.

St. Joseph

From Jan. 30-Feb. 4, St. Joseph School will celebrate the theme “Reverence, Praise, Service.” On Sunday, students will be altar servers at the 10:30 a.m. Mass and representatives from each campus will bring up items representing their school. During the week, the students will be encouraged to recycle cans and pray a decade of the rosary each morning. On Monday high school students will make cards for the parish shut-ins. On Tuesdays teachers will discuss the history of St. Joseph School and invite the parish priests to speak. After the all-school Mass on Wednesday, the students will walk to Simon Park where a Catholic Schools Week proclamation will be issued from the mayor’s office. On Thursday, grandparents will join the students for lunch. On Friday a pep rally will be held and the rosary will be prayed.

St. Joseph

On Sunday, the Angel Choir will sing at the 9 and 11:30 a.m. Masses. At those Masses the principal will present a check from the school to help fund the new church/school building. Monday is Pajama Day and Tuesday is Red, White and Blue Hat Day. On Wednesday for Military Day, the students will wear camouflage and will collect candy bars to send to the troops. For Career Day Thursday, the students will dress up like what they want to do when they grow up. Sister Anita DeSalvo, RSM, will speak to the students. For Super Bowl Day Friday, the students will wear school shirts and jeans and will play sports and academic games. The collection at the all-school Mass will be for Catholic Relief Services.

Fort Smith
Christ the King

On Sunday, the school will kick off Catholic Schools Week with an all-school Mass at 9 a.m. and a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Each morning the students will start their day with a prayer service, Mass or living rosary. On Monday, each student will bring a box of macaroni and cheese for Macaroni Madness for the In His Name food pantry. Students will also be making “get well” cards for patients at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center.On Tuesday, donuts and juice will be served to students. Students in second through sixth grade will be treated to a movie at the theater and students will be served McDonald’s for lunch. On Wednesday, students will wear red, white and blue, or camouflage clothing and will write letters to other Christ the King Schools across the nation. On Thursday, students will participate in “Socks for Sisters” by donating socks to sisters at St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith and Mercy Crest Retirement Center in Barling. On Friday, staff will be recognized for 10 or more years of service. On Saturday, the school will host a Vietnamese New Year dinner and celebration from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Parish Center.

Immaculate Conception
Catholic Schools Week will begin with the school choir singing at Mass on Sunday with a pancake breakfast to follow. Mayor Sandy Sanders will kick off the week with a proclamation, and students will gather items to send to the military. On Tuesday morning a presentation will explain the meaning and importance of the week’s theme, “For the Greater Glory of God.” At Spirit Night, students will enjoy a movie and popcorn. Wednesday is “Pajama Day” and the speaker will be from the pregnancy support center who will receive the school’s January collection. On Thursday, a blood drive will take place, and faculty and staff will enjoy a special luncheon provided by the PTO. The week will end with Mass, a special treat at lunch, casual dress for students and field trips including skating, bowling and gymnastics.

St. Boniface
Throughout the week the school will focus on the parish, families, vocations, community, students and teachers. On Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be followed by a German luncheon in the parish hall. On Monday the school will serve donuts and coffee in the parking lot to the parents. On Tuesday, Father Tom Elliott will give a concert. A community luncheon will be held Wednesday. On Thursday, students will wear pajamas and enjoy a movie and treats in the auditorium. For the Feast of St. Blaise, a blessing of throats will be held. On Friday, the staff will be treated to lunch at a local restaurant.

Hot Springs
St. John

Students will be working on a service project to aid Change Point Pregnancy Resource Center. During the all-school Mass Monday, teachers will be recognized with a special blessing. Tuesday will be the parent/grandparent’s luncheon and all alumni present will be recognized. Wacky Wednesday features the faculty vs. students volleyball tournament. Students will be recognized with a special blessing at the all-school Mass and adoration Friday. This will be followed with the annual talent show.

Little Rock
Our Lady of the Holy Souls

Holy Souls will have Mass Saturday, Jan. 29 at 4 p.m. Following Mass the families are invited to bingo sponsored by the Msgr. Allen Trust and Development Fund. On Monday, the school will celebrate all of the people and organizations that support the school, especially the Olivetan Benedictine sisters that started the school in 1927. On Tuesday, students will be treated to a free dress day and there will be a faculty vs. student basketball game in the afternoon with a special half-time performance. On Wednesday the teachers and staff will enjoy a special lunch. On Thursday junior high students will lead the school in the rosary at 2:15 p.m. Friday is Friends and Family Day and special friends and relatives are invited to have lunch with the students. A school talent show will be held Friday night.

St. Theresa
St. Theresa School is spreading the warmth of Christ by collecting items to keep people warm such as coats, gloves, hats, scarves and blankets that will be distributed to the poor and homeless. On Monday the school will have a rosary, on Tuesday students will wear shirts, ties and sunglasses, Wednesday is School Spirit Day and Thursday the students will celebrate reading in their pajamas. After the school Mass on Friday, a family lunch will be held. Classes will be doing writing contests, and service projects for another class throughout the week.

St. Edward
St. Edward will kick off its canned food drive for Helping Hand on Monday. On Tuesday the school is hosting a shadow day for prospective students. On Wednesday Brother Francis Kirchner, OSB, from Subiaco Abbey and Sister Mary Clare Bezner, OSB, from Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro will speak. On Thursday the faculty is challenging the eighth-grade class to a volleyball game, and on Friday the Quiz Bowl team is challenging the faculty to a Quiz Bowl match.

Sacred Heart

On Sunday, students will lead ministries during Mass. On Monday, students will design Valentine decorations for patient doors for a local nursing home. On Tuesday students will participate in a Living Rosary. On Wednesday the students will play a Catholic trivia game and on Thursday elementary students will rotate through different classrooms to complete craft projects while high school students participate in a variety of fun and educational life skill courses on and off campus. On Friday, students will celebrate the week with donuts.

North Little Rock
Immaculate Conception

The school will have an open house for prospective students on Sunday. Each classroom door will be decorated. An essay contest will be conducted for grades 4-8, and a drawing contest will be held for grades kindergarten-3. In addition, the student government will mail greeting cards to area Catholic schools. Students will also make greeting cards for local veterans and soldiers in Afghanistan. Monday will be Crazy Hats, Socks and Shoes Day. Tuesday will be School Colors Day, and Wednesday will be Dress Up Day. Throughout the week the students will also have get-up-and-move activities with music played on the intercom. The week will end with a talent show and chili supper Saturday, Feb. 5.

Immaculate Heart of Mary
The opening Mass will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Students will make the altar cloth and will lead many parts of the Mass. Past graduates will visit the school on Monday. On Tuesday classes will conduct service projects. Wednesday will be Spirit Day and the school will spend a holy hour in adoration. Parents will join their children for lunch on Thursday. After school Mass on Friday, the students will lead a living rosary.

North Little Rock Catholic Academy
On Monday students will wear any Catholic school shirt with their uniforms. On Tuesday students will participate in a book character costume contest, and families are invited to our second annual family literacy night. On Wednesday students will gather in the church to say the rosary for peace and have game time in the afternoon. On Thursday students may bring $1 donation to wear warm/fuzzy clothing and have an afternoon of movies. On Friday students may wear crazy socks if they bring non-perishable food to be donated to Helping Hand. Local community leaders will be invited to attend the school Mass on Friday as well. The teachers will be participating in the Mass on Sunday, Feb. 6.

St. Mary

The school board will sponsor a baked potato buffet Sunday, Jan. 30 as a fundraiser. Parents will be invited daily to have lunch with students. The students will say a rosary on Wednesday dedicated to past faculty and alumni. Students will participate at School Night at McDonald’s on Thursday evening by refilling drinks, cleaning tables and greeting people. Students will view a movie on Friday. Sixth-grade students will serve as lectors, servers and ushers and sing in the choir at Mass Saturday, Feb. 5.

St. Joseph

To kick off the week, the student choir will sing at the 9 a.m. Mass Sunday, as well as lector, usher and carry up gifts. A book fair will be open after Mass and will continue throughout the week. On Monday, Father Erik Pohlmeier, a graduate of St. Joseph School, will offer Mass and then visit the classrooms. Tuesday includes a trip to Subiaco Academy to listen to the jazz band. Thursday is Spirit Day, with students wearing clothing from the 1960s. Also on Thursday, Father Tom Elliott of Fort Smith will present a musical performance. Students in grades 6 and 7 will help the pre-schoolers make pancakes for their morning snack. A living rosary will be prayed in the afternoon. Family Fun Night is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday. Parents are invited to come at noon Wednesday and Thursday to have lunch. Throughout the week, Brian and Terri Kin der will work with each grade level to write their own song, which they will take back to their studio to produce. The students will perform a closing concert Friday morning.

Pine Bluff
St. Joseph

On Sunday students will participate in Mass at 11 a.m. On Monday the junior class will visit residents of Trinity Nursing Home and present them gifts. On Tuesday the student council will visit fire and police departments and present them with cookies and brownies and seniors will serve lunch at Neighbor to Neighbor. On Wednesday sophomores will go St. Peter School and read to the students. On Thursday seniors will serve lunch at Neighbor to Neighbor, sixth graders from St. Peter School will visit for Shadow Day and Trinity and St. Joseph will host a talent show. On Friday a veteran’s assembly and reception will be held.

St. Peter
Monday is Crazy Hat Day. On Tuesday, awards will be given to the best posters and essay about “Life at St. Peter’s Catholic School.” The winning poems and stories will be read by the students over the intercom on Wednesday. Students will wear casual clothes and participate in field events and games Thursday. Teachers will be honored for their service with a special dinner Friday.

St. John

At the 10 a.m. Mass Jan. 30 students will lead the singing and former students will testify to the value of Catholic education. On Monday students will pick one or two friends to dress like for Twin Day. On Tuesday students will come to school in western or cowboy dress. On Wednesday, students will wear clothing that doesn’t match. Thursday will be “When I Grow Up Day.” Students will wear adult dress based on their career choice. Teachers will dress like children. On Friday students and parishioners will attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. An open house will be held at 10 a.m. A VIP lunch will be held at 11:30 a.m. for community leaders.

St. Vincent de Paul

On Sunday, Jan. 30 an open house will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. Coffee and sweets will be served and the band will play at noon. The children’s choir will sing at 10:30 a.m. Mass. Monday will be free dress day for Student Appreciation Day. Tuesday is Teacher Appreciation Day. Teachers will be treated to a late lunch by the PTO. If the student brings an item for the food pantry, they can wear crazy socks. Wednesday is Dining with Dad. A spaghetti lunch will be served from 11 to 12:30 p.m. If students bring a food pantry item, students can wear a crazy tie like principal Joe Sine. Thursday is Volunteer Appreciation Day. If students bring a food item for pantry, they can wear their favorite or crazy hat. The student council will take sweets to the mayor, fire and police departments. After the 8 a.m. all- school Mass Friday, students and moms will have muffins and a drink. Students in grades 6-8 will go bowling. On Sunday, Feb. 6 the choir will sing at St. Stephen Parish in Bentonville for the 10 a.m. Mass.

Subiaco Academy

The week will begin Sunday with Mass with the Benedictine monks at 10:45 a.m. Students serve as lectors, ushers and gift bearers. On Monday, the students play “Guess the Teacher” and “How Many Skittles in the Jar” for prizes. The Subiaco Jazz Ensemble will travel to St. Edward School in Little Rock to perform. The Parents’ Association will honor the faculty and staff with a luncheon in the guest dining room on Tuesday and treat the students to an ice cream social at lunch. Students will play “Guess the Teacher” and “How Many M&Ms in the Jar” for prizes. Subiaco Academy hosts St. Joseph School in Paris for a Jazz Ensemble and chorus performance. On Wednesday, students in grades 9-12 will make a pilgrimage to St. Edward Church in Little Rock for a tour led by Father Hugh Assenmacher, OSB, followed by Mass and a picnic in the cafeteria. The middle school will play dodge ball and frisbee golf. In the afternoon, middle school students are treated to a movie. On Thursday, students in grades 9-12 will go bowling followed by lunch. On Friday, the middle school students go bowling followed by lunch. On Saturday, Feb. 5, the Parents’ Association is sponsoring a Valentine’s Day Dance in the Performing Arts Center.

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