Mass set near closed abortion clinic in Fayetteville

The Catholic community in northwest Arkansas said prayers were answered when the Fayetteville Women’s Clinic announced it would close July 31. The clinic is one of only two abortion clinics in the state. The remaining clinic to perform surgical abortions is located in Little Rock.
The 40 Days for Life leaders said, “As we rejoice over the babies that will be saved and the parents who will be spared from a lifetime of regret by currently not having an abortionist at the Fayetteville Women’s Clinic, we must continue to pray that abortions will also stop at Planned Parenthood on Township (Street). Planned Parenthood performs medical abortions through RU-486 and distributes abortifacient contraceptives.”
A Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 28 across the street from the clinic at 1011 North College Avenue. The Mass will be held to remember the more than 20,000 unborn children who died and “to pray for the spiritual restoration of their parents, grandparents, clinic staff and abortionist William Harrison.” The Mass, which is sponsored by the Northwest Arkansas Catholic Respect Life Council, will be celebrated by Father John Antony, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Fayetteville. For more information, contact Sheila Duncan at (479) 657-6796.

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