Also in Arkansas Catholic’s July 10 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Summer not so quiet with inside, outside challenges at Vatican
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Early July is when things usually slow down at the Vatican, as top Church officials wrap up loose ends and prepare to go on vacation.

Oldest paintings of apostles exposed in Rome catacombs
ROME (CNS) -— In the basement of an Italian insurance company’s modern office building, Vatican archaeologists -— armed with lasers -— discovered important historical evidence about the development of Christian devotion to the apostles.

Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal 2010
Parish Update as of July 1

Smartphone applications are modern ways to evangelize
ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) -— Praying is now so 21st century. Instead of a paperback missalette, there’s iMissal. Instead of prayer cards, there’s a touch-screen Saint A Day. Instead of randomly jotting down prayer requests, there’s a digitally organized list in PrayerSteward.

The Church’s teachings have different degrees of importance
Q. At our parish “Why Catholic?” meeting, we discussed your recent column on guardian angels. Everyone disagreed with your statement that while the doctrine of personal guardian angels is a “rich and joyful treasure of our Catholic heritage, it is not an ‘article of faith,’” and acceptance of that belief is not an essential of Catholic life. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Peace Cup: Catholic soccer tournament bridges cultures
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (CNS) -— Soccer fans know all about the World Cup, the quadrennial competition taking place in South Africa that is sending people around the globe into a frenzy while boosting -— or deflating -— national pride.

To understand problems, we must know marriage
It is clear, based on our culture’s rampant rates of sexual promiscuity, divorce, cohabitation, out-of-wedlock births, and the ease with which the homosexual lifestyle is being embraced in the media, school systems and legislation that our nation is in desperate need of re-education in the nature and purpose of marriage. What is marriage? This column marks the first of a series in which we will explore this crucial question. (Columns)

No common ground on abortion
We are all for initiatives that would help pregnant women who have decided to keep their babies. We need more support for women who choose to parent their child or give it up for adoption over having an abortion. (Editorial)

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