The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Response to oil spill as murky as Gulf waters even two months later
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— As oil continues to spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico from the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion, the federal government is still scrambling to find the best possible approach to limiting the environmental damage and administering justice in a catastrophe now heading into its third month.
Texas priest urges consumers to buy shrimp from Gulf
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— A priest who oversees a Catholic ministry to people who make a living from the sea said consumers should know that shrimp in Texas has not been tainted by the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and urged them to support the local seafood industry.
Former secretary to superintendent dies June 19
Margaret J. “Peggy” Monahan, the secretary to the Catholic schools superintendent for the Diocese of Little Rock for 22 years, died suddenly June 19. She was 72. (Obituaries)
Federal money for abortion-promoting groups near $1 billion
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Six organizations that perform or promote abortion received at least $967 million in federal funding in fiscal years 2002 through 2009, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.
Church’s position on the death penalty does not support revenge
The position of the Catholic Church regarding the death penalty is clear: While the Church teaches that civil authorities do have the right to impose the penalty, the Church also teaches that in modern society the penalty is neither necessary nor appropriate. (Understanding Our Church, Seeds of Faith)
A lesson for us all in how to apologize
As I write these words, much of the world is spinning from Helen Thomas’ statement that the Israelis should leave Palestine. “Get the hell out” were her exact words. (Columns)
Check fine print when they say ‘women’s health’
Today we are rightly concerned about damage to women and children from environmental toxins, yet many ignore the health risks and consequences of flooding a woman’s body with hormones from the birth control pill or chemical abortions. (Opinions)
Aftermath of BP oil spill is immoral
Reports from the Southern Baptist Convention in Orlando last week can give us some food for thought. (Editorial)