Also in Arkansas Catholic’s May 29 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Vatican says developing synthetic cell can be gift from God
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— The successful development of a synthetic cell can have many practical applications, but the technology must be regulated, said the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

Youth ministry office honors top youth and adult leaders
Two Catholic high school seniors were honored with the St. Timothy Award May 8 during the annual Catholic Youth Ministry convention in Little Rock.

Floridians who make living from sea worried by oil spill
ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) -— Sal Versaggi is no stranger to battling disaster. As one of the owners of Versaggi Shrimp Co. out of Tampa, his shrimp boats have worked up and down the west coast of Florida —- including areas in the Diocese of Venice —- through hurricane after hurricane.

Read priest’s ‘Jesuit Guide’ and become a better Catholic
Few books move one to change his or her life; this is one of those rare few. Father James Martin, SJ, the author, is the associate editor of America, a national Catholic magazine, who graduated from the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1982. After six years in the corporate world, he entered the Jesuits. (Book Review)

Catholic Class of 2010
The Catholic High School graduation was held May 28 in the school gym. The master of ceremonies was graduate Ryk Moore. The speakers were graduates Chase Miller and Jack Easterly. (and honor graduates listed for five other Catholic high schools in Arkansas)

Prayer is a vital ingredient to marital health, happiness
Several years ago my wife, Teri, and I helped lead a marriage preparation weekend in our diocese. During one of the sessions the engaged couples were asked to imagine their lives together and to draw on a poster their dreams for the future. (Marriage Matters, Seeds of Faith)

Discernment economics: Get more than give
Before entering the seminary I would often ask myself: Is the priesthood a good deal for me? I remember conjuring up in my head a balance sheet with all the assets and liabilities of this vocation. The underlying question was: What’s in it for me? This way of discerning can be extremely complicated and lead one to make a very poor choice. (Columns)

Immigration can’t be solved with more arrests
Only one state so far has “seceded” from the Union. The new immigration law in Arizona, harsh and unpredictable in its consequences, has sent shock waves around the country that have been felt throughout the world. (Opinions)

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