Bishop Anthony B. Taylor announced the retirement of Msgr. Royce Thomas. In addition to serving as pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock, Msgr. Thomas was the judicial vicar for the diocese. On Feb. 13, Bishop Taylor delivered a homily at Holy Souls to explain the reason for the retirement.
The following statement was issued by the diocese Feb. 16.
“The Catholic Church has high standards of behavior for our priests and has learned that when a serious concern surfaces regarding a priest, these concerns must be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. Such investigations are confidential in order to protect the privacy rights of all involved, including the priest in question. Such concerns have been raised and verified regarding Msgr. Royce Thomas, of Holy Souls Parish in Little Rock and judicial vicar for the Diocese of Little Rock, resulting in his removal from ministry by Bishop Taylor. Since he is already 65 years of age, Msgr. Thomas’ retirement from active ministry will begin following any treatment he might receive. Bishop Taylor asks for prayers for everyone affected by this sad situation.”
Click here to read Bishop Taylor’s homily at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock Feb. 13.