Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Feb. 20 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Collaboration needed to rebuild churches
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (CNS) -— The loss of key leadership and the destruction of up to 70 parishes during the Jan. 12 earthquake exposed weaknesses in the structure of the Catholic Church in Haiti, said the papal nuncio to the beleaguered Caribbean nation.

Safety more important than attending Mass
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— When massive snowstorms pummel an area on weekdays, they wreck havoc on commutes and business and school schedules. But when major storms hit on weekends, churches get more than their share of the winter impact.

Vatican snubs postulator’s book on the ‘real’ pope
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— When it was unveiled in late January, the insider book about the “real” Pope John Paul II looked at first glance like the Vatican’s own effort at a pre-beatification biography.

Cardinal suggests ecumenical catechism to other churches
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— A Vatican official has floated the idea of a shared “ecumenical catechism” as one of the potential fruits of 40 years of dialogue among Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists and members of the Reformed churches.

Lent, the springtime of the Church, a time for spiritual preparation
The meaning and purpose of most feasts and seasons of the liturgical year are indicated by their titles, such as Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. (Understanding Our Church, Seeds of Faith)

Often-forgotten traditions come from Bible
Scott Hahn’s book is both an enjoyable and educational read for Catholics interested in a brush up on Catholic traditions and their relevance in today’s world. Hahn, author and professor of theology and Scripture at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, handpicked 40 Catholic traditions to explore and provided a simple, well-written meditation for each tradition. (Book Review)

Seek beauty and peace from the inside out
Heidi Montag has given new meaning to the concept of one-stop shopping. The 23-year-old reality TV star -— one of those who is famous for being famous -— underwent 10 plastic-surgery procedures in one day, as pinpointed in People magazine and now scrutinized online. (Columns)

Victory will be part of city’s resurrection story
The lifelong black-and-gold vision hit me, finally, on Tuesday morning during Super Bowl XLIV media day at Sun Life Stadium. (Opinions)

Publicity before game worked for ad
The much-talked-about Tim Tebow commercial that aired during the Super Bowl can remind us of an important lesson: Don’t criticize someone or a group before you have all of the information. In this case, don’t criticize a commercial you haven’t even watched. (Editorial)

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