Here are some of the events that the monasteries and convents around Arkansas will offer the laity during Lent and Holy Week:
St. Benedict Church, Subiaco
Stations of the Cross are held at 6:35 p.m. every Friday and are open to the public. The monks of Subiaco Abbey will observe Vespers beginning at 7 p.m., and the public is welcome to stay for that as well.
Holy Thursday Mass with washing of feet begins at 7:30 p.m. April 1; Good Friday service is at 3 p.m. April 2; and the Easter vigil Mass begins about 7 p.m. April 3.
St. Scholastica Monastery, Fort Smith
A Thomas Merton retreat on Lent will be held Feb. 19-21. Merton scholar John King will focus on Merton’s method of Lenten prayer, including journaling as a means of focusing one’s prayer and conversion during Lent. The cost is $150 with a $35 deposit.
A Triduum retreat is open to the public, in which attendees will walk the journey of the holy days with the sisters. The retreat, open to both women and men, begins at 2 p.m. Holy Thursday with orientation, and lasts through Mass on Easter Sunday. The fee is $175. Triduum services will include Holy Thursday Mass at 5:15 p.m. April 1; Veneration of the Cross at 3 p.m. April 2; and Easter vigil about 7 p.m. April 3.
Holy Angels Convent, Jonesboro
Visitors can join the nuns for Holy Week services. Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated at 7 p.m. April 1; Good Friday, celebration of the Lord’s Supper at 3 p.m. April 2; Easter vigil Mass will be about 7 p.m. April 3.
Carmel of St. Teresa of Jesus, Little Rock
The public can attend the Triduum services, which are at 5 p.m. Holy Thursday, 3 p.m. Good Friday, and the Easter vigil some time after 7 p.m. Saturday.