Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Feb. 13 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope: Conversion helps overcome selfishness
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Conversion to Christ gives people the strength to break the bonds of selfishness and work for justice in the world, Pope Benedict XVI said in his message for Lent 2010.

Missal translations to be ready for Advent 2011
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments is pulling together the final version of the English translation of the complete Roman Missal, the book of prayers used at Mass.

Juan Martin Rodriguez, 27, a member of St. Edward Church in Texarkana, died Jan. 1.

Bishops back USCCB official accused of promoting abortion
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Bishops who work closely with John Carr, who oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, say new claims against him and the agency are false and “totally ridiculous.”

Trust in the Lord, for God rewards us for doing good in his name
My wife Susan and I wandered away from our Church affiliations during our college years. We began reconnecting with God and the Church after serving for a year with Volunteers in Service to America. Through the grace of God and the witness of our rural neighbors, we were reintroduced to the value of faith. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Catholic leaders outline crucial steps for Haitian adoptions
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The heads of five Catholic agencies that work with Haitian earthquake victims have outlined steps they say the U.S. government should take to protect children left alone after the Jan. 12 earthquake.

Postulator: Pope John Paul practiced self-mortification
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Pope John Paul II always took penitence seriously, spending entire nights lying with his arms outstretched on the bare floor, fasting before ordaining priests or bishops and flagellating himself, said the promoter of his sainthood cause.

Abstinence programs work but will lose funding
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— A new study about the effectiveness of abstinence education is good news for those who teach the topic, but it also could be too little, too late.

What you can learn from teens in Lent
Reports that the recession is making teens “more aware of the needs of others” is appropriate news to share as we enter the sacred season of Lent. In difficult times, hopefully we all will analyze what is truly important and make those a priority in our lives. When we have so much, it is time for us to give more and be sacrificial. (Editorial)

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