“Catholic Schools: Dividends for Life” is the theme selected for Catholic Schools Week. Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration that focuses attention on the good work done by the nation’s Catholic schools. The week will be observed Jan. 31 to Feb. 6. It is a joint project of the National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
To mark the week, schools are hosting a variety of special events.
Conway St. Joseph
The week will begin with a noon Mass on Sunday. Students will serve as musicians, lectors, altar servers and ushers. Wednesday’s Mass will be an all-school Mass with the school’s three choirs leading the songs. A pep rally is scheduled for Thursday. The elementary school will host a book fair and grandparents have been invited to come to lunch with their grandchildren on Tuesday. Together as a school on three campuses, students will be praying one decade of the rosary each morning after announcements. They will especially pray for sixth-grader Sarah Beth Briggler who was diagnosed with cancer in 2009.
Fort Smith Immaculate Conception
The week will begin Sunday with a Mass and a pancake breakfast for parish and school families. During the week, students will address the needs of the military serving overseas and the needs of expectant and new mothers in the community through a collection of needed items for soldiers and monetary donations for the crisis pregnancy center. Adult family members will have the opportunity to participate in the annual blood drive. Daily events will include a proclamation by Mayor Ray Baker, community speakers, doughnut breakfast for families, movie night, pajama day, daily guessing games and bowling, skating and gymnastics field trips for students.
Hot Springs St. John
During an all-school Mass Monday, the teachers will be recognized. Students, parents, faculty and staff will wear school colors. On Monday, teachers will participate in basketball musical chairs. They will have to make a basket before sitting. The winner will earn a free-dress day for her class. On Tuesday parents and grandparents will be invited to have lunch with the students. On Wednesday students will wear wacky hats, hair, socks and dress with wacky lunch and activities. The day will end with a volleyball tournament and faculty/staff vs. students game. On Thursday, students will enjoy a movie and popcorn in the afternoon in their pajamas. On Friday at the all-school Mass and adoration, the school will recognize the students. Following Mass will be a talent show. The school will end the week with a bowling party.
Lake Village St. Mary
The week will begin Jan. 30 with a family night. A book fair will start at 5 p.m. followed by a chili supper and bingo at 6 p.m. On Jan. 31 the students will serve at Mass at 9 a.m. On Monday, the students will dress up as their favorite book character. On Tuesday, grandparents will be invited to play bingo at 10 a.m. in the cafeteria followed by lunch. Wednesday will be a prayer service and community service day. An archery tournament will be held Feb. 5. The week will end with a dance Feb. 6. The service projects will support the Leukemia Society and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Little Rock
Christ the King
On Tuesday, there will be an all-school rosary thanking parents and volunteers and the PTO will provide lunch for the faculty, staff and volunteers. On Wednesday, students will send valentines to veterans. On Thursday, students can pay $1 to wear casual clothes. All donations will go to Abba House. A vocations prayer will be added to the morning prayer each day.
Mount St. Mary
Since Catholic Schools Week always occurs around the same time as the school’s “Annual Founders’ Week,” the essence of week will be incorporated into the annual celebration of the school founding. The Founders’ Week celebration will include a special Mass Feb. 3. During the service, sophomores will receive their Mercy pins. Founders’ Week concludes Feb. 5 with what has become one of the most anticipated events of the year — the annual Lip Sync Show at 2 p.m. Students and some brave faculty members “perform” outlandishly fun songs and dance routines for the rest of the school.
St. Edward
On Monday, it is Community Day and students will collect canned food to be delivered to St. Francis House and pick up garbage in MacArthur Park. On Tuesday, teachers will be treated to lunch off campus, with parent volunteers covering classes. On Wednesday diocesan vocation director Msgr. Scott Friend and Jose Galvan, who will join the seminary in the fall, will visit the classrooms. On Thursday the annual faculty vs. eighth-grade volleyball game will be held. On Friday students will attend “World of the Pharaohs” exhibit at the Arkansas Arts Center.
St. Theresa
The school will begin the week with a living rosary at 9 a.m. Monday in the church. On Tuesday, the students will enjoy a day of special reading and literacy activities, and they get to wear their pajamas. On Wednesday afternoon the school will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a birthday party in the parish center. They will dress in 1950s style to commemorate the school’s founding in 1959. For Vocations Day the students will dress up as their chosen vocation, and Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will visit. A family Mass will be celebrated on Friday with a blessing of throats for St. Blaise’s feast day. The Mass will be followed by an awards assembly. The students and families then will enjoy doughnuts and juice in the classrooms. During the week funds will be collected for charity. Classes are also participating in a writing contest, and each class will do a service project for another class in the school.
Morrilton Sacred Heart
Students will have the opportunity to participate in a card competition in which they may design a card for all current and prospective donors that illustrates the Catholic Schools Week theme. Students will have the opportunity to record a public service announcement to broadcast on local radio station KVOM 101.7 centered around CSW. Other activities include a 10:30 a.m. Sun day Mass, the Conway County Spelling Bee, “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” religion trivia game and living rosary.
North Little Rock Immaculate Conception
On Jan. 30-31 students will pass out thank-you notes to parishioners at all of the Masses thanking them for their support. On Sunday the school will hold an open house and book fair. On Monday student government members will visit classrooms and give reports on saints. Students will pay $1 for a free dress day with the proceeds going to the library. Wednesday will be Teacher/Student Appreciation Day with treats for everyone and no homework. Students will also wear crazy hats, socks or shoes. Thursday will be Falcon Pride Day with students wearing blue and gold. Students will also bring in a canned good or classroom supplies for St. Augustine Child Care Center. The annual talent show will be held that afternoon. On Saturday the PTO will hold a chili dinner and talent show. Other activities include a saint trivia contest each morning and students will be assigned prayer partners.
Paragould St. Mary
Students will make thank-you cards to be sent to volunteers. Parents and grandparents will be invited to have lunch with students at school. Thursday evening will be school night at McDonald’s where students will bus tables and refill drinks. A percentage of income will go to school. On Friday students will have Fun Friday with a karaoke party at the end of the day. Students will participate in art contest, and art will be displayed in school for the open house on Saturday before concluding the week with Mass.
Rogers St. Vincent de Paul
On Sunday school tours will be offered to the parish. On Monday, it will be Student Appreciation Day and Tuesday it will be Volunteer Appreciation Day. Fathers will be invited to lunch Feb. 3. Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day is Feb. 4. Mothers will be invited to attend Mass Feb. 5.
Russellville St. John
Monday will be crazy hat/crazy hair day. Tuesday is Sports Team Day. Wednesday will be Mismatched “Tacky” Day. On Thursday the theme is “When I Grow Up” Day for students and “When I Grow Down” for adults. Friday will be a special all-school Mass, open house and a VIP luncheon for family, friends and special guests. Students will pay a quarter each day to dress according to the daily theme. Money collected will go toward the “We CAN Help Haiti” campaign.
Springdale St. Raphael
The children will enjoy themed days. If they bring in an item for the parish food pantry, they get a free dress day. Family Mass will be celebrated on Friday followed by muffins and doughnuts. The school will end the week with a pancake breakfast fundraiser cooked by the Men’s Club.
Stuttgart Holy Rosary
The week will begin Jan. 30 with a children’s Mass at 5:30 p.m. and chili supper at 6:30 p.m. in the parish center. On Feb. 1 a fire truck will visit the school and Mass will be held at 11 a.m. The annual talent show will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 2 in the parish center with an Elvis impersonator. An ambulance will visit the school and an open house will be held from 4:30-6 p.m. Feb. 4.