The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Catholics pray, walk, push for legislation during Migration Week
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— As the Catholic Church observed National Migration Week Jan. 3-9, support for legislative efforts took the forefront amid various other steps to bring attention to the concerns of migrants and refugees.
Special day for children
Pope Benedict XVI baptizes a baby during a Mass in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Jan. 10. The pope baptized 14 infants, calling it a “great day for these children.” He said the sacrament brings a particular responsibility for parents and godparents to nourish the faith with their words and the witness of their lives. (CMS photo)
‘Butterfly priest’ served as pastor, chaplain for 60 years
Father Placidus Eckart, OSB, 84, a monk of Subiaco Abbey, died Dec. 14. He had been a professed monk for 65 years and a priest for 60 years. (Obituaries)
Catholics seek ways to welcome their own back to the fold
ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) -— Two women who have returned to their Catholic faith after years away have written a book, “When They Come Home,” as a guide for parishes on how to minister to returning Catholics.
God constantly surprises us by his actions through his Holy Spirit
God is a God of surprises. Many times when we think we have things all figured out, he will turn around and reverse our expectations —- in a good way —- giving us the opportunity to be happy to be wrong. (Seeds of Faith, Word to Life)
‘Radical hospitality’ embraced for Olympics
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (CNS) -— The Archdiocese of Vancouver is warming up for its own type of Olympic event. However, it won’t take place on ice or snow; it will be on the streets of the city.
Book answers question about Mary for Catholics, Protestants
If you have ever had a question about Mary, writer/scholar David Mills probably answers it in his book, “Discovering Mary: Answers to Questions about the Mother of God.” And he answers it from the perspective of love. (Book Review)
Simple ideas using our excess to help others
Walt Hays burst into the parish office where I work just as the excess of the holidays was ending. A few leftover cookies called to me from the staff lounge and an unopened box of candy tempted. (Columns)
Some would consider your children ‘pollution’
Pesticides, oil spills, litter — everyone agrees that these pollute the environment. But what about babies? Environmental groups have long argued that population growth causes a host of environmental problems, but many of these groups have traditionally avoided the controversial promotion of birth control as a solution. (Opinions)
Final health care bill is on the line
It seems more likely now that as Catholics we will have to encourage our U.S. senators and representatives to oppose the final health care reform bill. We believe it is unlikely that we can get a final bill that will include the social teachings we support. (Editorial)