Camp reaches disadvantaged children with art and soul

Jackie Kaufman (top right), a member of Christ the King Church in Little Rock, helps students weave baskets during a crafts class, taught by Cathy Gilligan at the second annual Art and Soul Camp Oct. 17 in North Little Rock.

Twenty children became artists for the day as the Ladies of Charity of Arkansas hosted the camp at St. Joseph Home. The children were selected by homeless shelters, food pantries and the state child protection agency to participate in the day of fun and learning, which gave them reprieve from the hardships of their daily lives.
The theme was “All God’s Creatures series: Arkansas Critters.” A menu of activities was provided. Classes in visual arts, music and basket weaving were taught to students in third through 12th grades. Younger children reveled in dough sculpture, coloring and simple craft projects. An art show and reception for the students and their families completed the day.
In addition to the Ladies of Charity members and other volunteers, four Catholic High School students assisted with the day.

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