The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Officials say problems still in Baucus health bill
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Echoing an earlier letter to members of Congress from three bishops, officials of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops expressed disappointment Oct. 14 that the Senate Finance Committee passed its version of health reform legislation without resolving problems related to abortion funding, conscience rights, affordability and legal immigrants.
Vatican for sale? ‘Stupid,’ African bishop says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Sell the Vatican to help the poor? U.S. comedian Sarah Silverman might think it’s a great idea, but a Nigerian archbishop called the suggestion offensive and “stupid.”
Apostles’ relics to tour U.S. for education
LOS ANGELES (CNS) -— A standing reliquary containing relics of more than a dozen apostles and evangelists will tour the United States in an effort to educate adults and schoolchildren about the foundations of the Catholic faith.
Forgiveness film inspires retreats, missions
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Paulist Father Frank Desiderio sensed something was happening at the very first public screening last year of his documentary feature on forgiveness, “The Big Question.”
Two Catholic agencies make loans to keep working poor from ‘sinking’
BELLEVILLE, Ill. (CNS) -— Car payments, school fees, new tires, insurance payments, even funeral costs: Sometimes the money to keep a person from slipping over the edge just isn’t available.
The Church offers laypeople many opportunities for blessings
Q. Could you help me locate one of your past columns on the subject of blessings by laypeople and the fact that there is no provision in doctrine for such blessings? Priests in my parish continue to engage in this fiction, asking the audience to extend their hands while the priest recites some phrases. I do not participate. (Seed of Faith, Question Corner)
Vatican to begin dialogue with traditionalists
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— The Vatican announced the start of a long-awaited dialogue aimed at repairing a 21-year break with a group of traditionalist Catholics.
Cardinal Rigali’s book addresses addiction
PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -— How prevalent is addiction? Can people overcome addictions through willpower alone? How important are prayer and the sacraments for overcoming addictions?
In Year for Priests, thank them for your conversions
Pope Benedict XVI designated June 2009-June 2010 a “Year for Priests.” The special year began June 19 and will conclude with a gathering of priests in Rome June 9-11, 2010. What this year can mean for the lay person is an opportunity to reflect on the gift of the priesthood and the role of specific priests in our own lives. (Columns)
Working for unity one step at a time
There are many things that we should be proud of about the Catholic Church. This past week, we should be happy to see the signs of reconciliation and unity that Church leaders are seeking. (Editorial)