The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Wine and bread in hand, members visit new parishioners
FAYETTEVILLE -— St. Joseph Church is greeting new parishioners with a bit of Christmas spirit, whatever the season may be when they move to Fayetteville.
Auction goods from fitness to fabulous for Catholic Charities
The Bishop McDonald-Catholic Charities Golf Classic cocktail party and auction will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 20 in McDonald Hall at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock. More than 150 auction items will be sold to the highest bidder. The items include dinners at Little Rock restaurants, autographed sport memorabilia and airline tickets. Participants can pay with cash, check or credit card. For more information, call Rhonda Pritts at (501) 664-0340.
Chicago priest preaches justice to Little Rock students
America will not be a “great nation” until it addresses the problems of racism, poverty, lack of equal education and violence in this country, Father Michael Pfleger of Chicago told an enthusiastic crowd of college students and professors at Philander Smith College in Little Rock Aug. 27.
Obstetrician, wife and children honored as farm family of the year
HOT SPRINGS — The Dr. Clint Henson family of Bonnerdale, parishioners of St. John the Baptist Church in Hot Springs, was recently named Garland County Farm Family for 2009.
The resurrection of our bodies awaits Jesus’ glorious return
The resurrection of the body at the second coming of Christ is a fundamental hope of the faithful Christian disciple. We reaffirm our belief in this doctrine every time we say the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe in the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” (Seeds of Faith, Understanding Our Church)
The rosary reminds us Jesus conquered death with humility
The Annunciation and the Incarnation are two very different events. The Annunciation pays tribute to the exchange between the angel Gabriel and Mary — of God’s great request and Mary’s humble response. The Incarnation, however, refers to the awesome mystery of God becoming human within Mary’s womb. (Seeds of Faith, The Rosary: Virtue & Grace)
New U.S. ambassador to Vatican first theologian in position
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— With a roomful of theologians, college professors and presidents, political activists, leaders of various church organizations, and family and longtime friends looking on, Catholic theologian Miguel Diaz was sworn in as ambassador to the Vatican Aug. 21.
Sen. Edward Kennedy buried at Arlington National Cemetery
BOSTON (CNS) -— Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was mourned at a Boston church and laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery Aug. 29, amid words of comfort from the Book of Wisdom, Paul’s Letter to the Romans and the Gospel of Matthew, and recollections of his life by his sons, his pastor, President Barack Obama and Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick.
USCCB launches Web site to educate on missal translation
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— A new Web site launched Aug. 21 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was produced to educate Catholics about the forthcoming English translation of the new Roman Missal, the book of prayers used for Mass.
Intentional blindness: Abortion is not ‘health care’
It seems I’m constantly at the eye doctor monitoring my poor eyesight. This life-long condition has caused me to reflect on other ways I have been short-sighted or blind. As I struggle to have clear vision in my life, I have to contend not only with my own faults, but also with false cultural messages that promise easy answers to all our desires. (Opinions)
Continuing to link faith and science
In 2009 we are marking the Year of Astronomy, which is coinciding with the 400th anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s astronomical observation through a telescope. (Editorial)