The following is based on the 2008-2009 school year.
There are 31 Catholic schools located in 20 cities in Arkansas.
The total enrollment in schools is 7,554. Of these, 5,529 are in elementary schools, while 2,025 are in secondary schools.
Sixty-nine percent of students are Catholic while 31 percent are non-Catholic.
There are 568 pre-kindergarten students in Catholic preschools.
Ninety-seven percent of the school population is white and 2.5 percent are Hispanic.
661 professional staffers work in Catholic schools. Eighty-one percent are laymen and women.
Among the professional staffers, 69 percent are Catholic and 31 percent are non-Catholic.
The average annual cost of educating one child in elementary school is $4,400, while the average cost in secondary school is $5,942.
Tuition in elementary schools range from $2,647 for Catholics to $3,778 for non-Catholics.
Secondary tuition ranges from $3,878 for Catholics to $4,460 for non-Catholics. (This does not include Subiaco Academy, a boarding school.)
The oldest school is Mount St. Mary Academy in Little Rock. It was established in 1851.
The newest school is St. Raphael School in Springdale. It was established in 2007.
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