The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Knights hope Our Lady of Guadalupe inspires
PHOENIX (CNS) — Mary’s appearance to St. Juan Diego near what is today Mexico City was “an event that served as a pivotal moment in the history of faith for an entire hemisphere,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said Aug. 6.
Will pray for work
Figurines of St. Cayetano, the patron of work and food, are displayed for sale outside a church in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug. 7. Pilgrims have been camping outside for weeks, waiting to join the thousands that gathered at the church to pray for work. (CNS photo)
Sister Adelma was a radiology technician
Sister Adelma Pabst, OSB, a member of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, died July 20. She was 87. (Obituaries)
New host might be solution for Catholics with celiac disease
Q. More than a year ago we wrote to you about Communion for our daughter who has celiac disease. You replied that no hosts were available that satisfied the church’s requirement for the Eucharist and were also safe for those with this disease. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
First Latina confirmed to serve on U.S. Supreme Court
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Sworn in Aug. 8 to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor becomes the first Hispanic member of the high court.
Low confession numbers prompt creative outreach
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Statistics show decreasing numbers of Catholics going to confession, but rather than discouraging churches those numbers are only encouraging them to be more creative in their outreach.
Help me write a book for pregnant women and save a million lives
I dedicate this column to Mary, the mother of Jesus, on the feast of her Assumption. My readers have helped me in the past to write one of my best sellers, “God Delights in You.” Now I am coming to them again with a plea to help me write a book that will save countless lives. (Columns)
Stopping Rx drug abuse among teens
We have all heard and read about the tragic death of Michael Jackson, almost assuredly from overdosing on prescription drugs and the improper use of the sedative propofol. (Editorial)