Also in Arkansas Catholic’s August 8 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

A deep faith
Catholic nuns circle the casket of former Philippine President Corazon Aquino during services at the cathedral in Manila Aug. 3. (CNS photo)

Anti-Catholic evangelist Tony Alamo convicted
TEXARKANA, Ark. (CNS) — Evangelist Tony Alamo faces up to 175 years in prison following his July 24 conviction on 10 counts of taking young girls across state lines for sexual purposes, rape, sexual assault and contributing to the delinquency of minors.

Help for the homeless
The Catholic Youth Ministry programs at St. Jude Church in Jacksonville and St. Theresa Church in Little Rock joined forces to help the homeless July 25. (Arkansas Catholic photo by Matthew Smith)

Bishops’ office praises advance in stem cells
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The work of two teams of Chinese scientists who created live mice from induced pluripotent stem cells is “another demonstration that researchers don’t need to destroy embryos” to achieve stem-cell advances, according to a pro-life official at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Anointing of the sick unites the sick person to the passion of Christ
Last Rites … Extreme Unction … Anointing of the Sick … What comes to mind? How much or little you know about these might be an indicator of your age or understanding of this sacrament which has changed over time. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

The rosary provides virtues, graces to help us get to heaven
“Pray the rosary daily!” How many times have we heard that suggestion? Yet how many of us actually do it? (The Rosary, Seeds of Faith)

Proper dress required for presidents, pilgrims alike at Vatican
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Deciding what to wear to an evening wedding is challenging enough; imagine how daunting it is to choose proper attire for a papal audience.

Two authors explore place of animals in Christian beliefs
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Two new books by Christian authors Father Jack Wintz and Leila Harris explore the place of animals in Christianity.

Magazine confirms Catholic teaching on marriage
There has been less chatter in the Catholic press than I had expected about Time magazine’s July 13 cover story. (Columns)

What took so long to convict him?
We pray the conviction of Tony Alamo for abusing minors will finally end his “ministry” in Arkansas. For more than 30 years Alamo has proclaimed himself an evangelist, warning the world about evils the Vatican and U.S. government are inflicting on everyone. (Editorial)

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