James Melnick’s calling became clearer at age 16

James Melnick wears the traditional cassock during a visit to St. John Center in Little Rock July 1. He will return to Rome in October to finish in licentiate in sacred theology.
James Melnick wears the traditional cassock during a visit to St. John Center in Little Rock July 1. He will return to Rome in October to finish in licentiate in sacred theology.

Q. Tell me about your family.
I have a mom and dad and two brothers. The most influential person in my family was my grandmother on my dad’s side. She really was the one who brought the Catholic faith to us. … Now my parents are divorced. It’s definitely a big cross for my life. It’s helped me to trust God and continually give it over to God.

Q. Describe your faith life growing up in Cabot.
I was baptized when I was 7. I remember my baptism at St. Jude’s … We went to church every Sunday. I went to Sunday school.

Q. When did you first hear the call to be a priest?

About James Melnick
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A. I think something started nagging me at 14 years old. I would see vocations posters and it would say “Could your picture be here?” and I would say “No.” I think I was 16 when it came back to me. I wasn’t looking for it. God found me. I started attending the first Friday/first Saturday devotions to the Sacred Heart in 2000. For some reason I went. In the spring 2001 there is another priest there, Father Thomas Arackal. During PRE during Lent, we all went to confession with my class. I did my confession and I sat there and I said, “Father, I think I am being called to be a priest.” It just came out of my mouth … The vocation found me, I wasn’t looking for it and it completely surprised me. God just wanted it.

The next two questions come from the Fishers of Men program conducted by the Diocese of Little Rock. Several priests were asked these questions this spring.

Q. What were your initial excitements and hopes as you began to think more deeply about your vocation?
It was the excitement of the unknown. I was really focusing on the corporal works of mercy, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked. That really attracted me. I saw it as a way to change the world.

Q. What have priests said or done that most helped you when you were thinking about entering the seminary?
Being honest about whatever, sin, the Church, prayer. Not holding back from what they think. Faithful, obedient priests. Father (Thomas) Keller was a good example.

Q. Did you ever have doubts that God was calling you?
Not really. There are challenges where I say, “Do I really want to be in seminary?” … It’s human struggles dealing with formation. There are always times in marriage or priesthood where you ask “Do I want to continue?” and you have to say “Yes.”

Q. What person has influenced you in your seminary formation?
Father John Antony. He was my first vocation director. I got to spend my first summer assignment with him. He knows he is a priest and acts like it. He carries himself as a priest. He loves the truth.

Q. What kind of priest do you want to be?
I want to be a simple, holy priest. I want to be an obedient priest to do whatever the bishop says.

Q. What areas of ministry do you feel most called to?
It could be Hispanic ministry or youth ministry. It could be the corporal works or teaching. I am open to it all. It all depends on the parish assignment.

Q. When you think of ordination, what thoughts or feelings come to mind?
I am excited to celebrate the Mass. I am excited to do what I have been called to do, to join the great presbyterate of Arkansas. I think the ordination Mass will be very powerful for that. To show our unity of all the priests with the bishop.

James Melnick
Age: 25
Hometown: Cabot
Parish: St. Jude, Jacksonville
Education: Cabot High School, bachelor’s degree from Holy Trinity Seminary in Irving, Texas, seeking licentiate in sacred theology from the John Paul II Institute at the Lateran University in Rome
Parents: Marvella Melnick of Cabot and Jim Melnick of Lonoke
Influential priests in his life: Father Thomas Keller, Father Thomas Arackal, Father Les Farley

Malea Hargett

Malea Hargett has guided the diocesan newspaper as editor since 1994. She finds strength in her faith through attending Walking with Purpose Bible studies at Christ the King Church in Little Rock.

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