Also in Arkansas Catholic’s July 11 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Year of St. Paul closes June 28 at the Vatican with a few surprises
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Talk about a grand finale. The Vatican waited until the last day of the year of St. Paul to wow the world with two surprising scientific findings: the presumed bones of the apostle and the oldest known portrait of the saint.

Sister Anita was a teacher for more than 40 years
Sister Anita Berkemeyer, OSB, a member of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, died June 26. She was 90. (Obituaries)

Year for Priests meant to expose Christ’s heart so more know his love
Over the last month various Catholic media outlets have been promoting the Year for Priests. The announcement came from Pope Benedict in June as he turns the attention of the Church to the gift of priesthood, and as we mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. John Vianney, the patron saint of priests. (Seeds of Faith, Understanding Our Church)

Cardinal Yves Congar, OP: The meaning, reality of tradition
In the year 1904, three theologians were born who would make some of the greatest contributions in the 20th century to theology, the Church, and Vatican II: namely, John Courtney Murray in the United States, Karl Rahner in Germany and Yves Congar in France. (Seeds of Faith, Our Sacred Treasure)

‘If not us, who?’ Catholic couple honored for autism advocacy
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— When Nicholas Giangregorio, 8, was first diagnosed with autism before his second birthday, his family found it difficult to convince society to accept them.

Fatima apparitions connect to Theology of the Body
In honor of Mary, I’ve chosen to focus my columns this month on what I consider an intriguing connection between the messages of Fatima and John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). (Columns)

One life or 1.5 billion, abortion can’t be compared
I recently had a conversation with a woman named Laura, who volunteers in the mail room at Priests for Life. She told me an interesting story about her son, Salvatore, who was born in 1973, the year Roe v. Wade legalized abortion.

Why was Jackson a lost soul?
As we know, religious angles can usually be found with most of the top news stories of the day. For example, we all know what happened to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. But the other part of the story was he was attending a spiritual boot camp at the executive mansion in May while trying to repair his marriage after disclosing his infidelity. We know that President Barack Obama is fond of his Blackberry. But one of the first things he sees on it every morning is a devotional reading sent by one of his staff members. (Editorial)

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