Also in Arkansas Catholic’s June 20 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Brutal reality: Domestic violence up in recession
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— On any given night Sister Betty Adams knows that usually she will see five or six women in the shelter she oversees for women fleeing domestic violence in Sierra Vista, Ariz., 80 miles southeast of Tucson.

Year for Priests: Not just smiles, but support
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Each and every one of the world’s 408,000 priests should feel loved, respected, valued and supported in his vocation to bring the Gospel to an increasingly secular -— but still open -— world, said Cardinal Claudio Hummes.

Year for Priests Web site highlights world celebration through June, 2010
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The U.S. bishops’ Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations has set up a Web site to mark the Year for Priests, a worldwide celebration from June 19 of this year to June 19, 2010.

Adoption Services celebrates 25th
Catholic Adoption Services is celebrating a quarter century of assisting families who want to adopt or place their child for adoption. (Catholic Charities Connections)

Office responds to tornado victims in Mena, De Queen
The Parish Social Ministry Office is working in Mena and De Queen to assist victims of the April 9 tornado.

King Henry VIII’s divorce spotlighted after five centuries
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— A meticulous restoration and reproduction of a precious document from the Vatican Secret Archives brings new attention to one of the most complicated annulments in history — that of King Henry VIII and his queen, Catherine of Aragon.

Crimes plague migrants traveling in Mexico
MEXICO CITY (CNS) -— A report released by the Mexican Diocese of Saltillo says that abuses such as kidnapping and extortion by organized crime groups have become the most serious problem for undocumented Central Americans traveling through the country.

Archbishop retires amid investigations
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of a 54-year-old archbishop from the Central African Republic following an investigation into priests of his diocese who live more or less openly with women and the children they have fathered.

Well-known, suspended Florida priest joins Episcopal Church
MIAMI (CNS) -— Father Alberto Cutie of Miami delivered his first sermon in an Episcopal church May 31, three days after the suspended Catholic priest announced he was joining the Episcopal Church.

Place your faith in God, he will carry you through the storms of life
My mother warned me: It’s not a wise idea to travel by rental car in a city you’ve never visited before. Especially if you don’t speak the language. And if it’s the eighth largest city in the world. And if it’s recovering from a recent major earthquake. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

World view is at the heart of immigration debate
In Southern Africa, humanity is defined through your relationships with others. The Zulu word, “Ubuntu,” speaks to the interconnectedness of all people. There are many different ways of explaining this concept, but essentially it means, “I am because you are.” (Columns)

Gifts to CASA show increase in faithfulness
The generosity, sacrifice and faithfulness of Catholics in Arkansas are more evident this year. Even though we are in a recession, parishioners are keeping their commitments to support their churches, schools and the Diocese of Little Rock. (Editorial)

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