Also in Arkansas Catholic’s May 9 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

New study shows greater rate of American’s ‘faith in flux’
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— On the heels of a study of the U.S. “religious landscape” released last year that showed a quarter of Americans had changed faiths, a follow-up survey has found an even greater rate of “Faith in Flux,” as the latest report is called.

President Obama says FOCA is not his ‘highest legislative priority’
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama in his April 29 press conference said the Freedom of Choice Act was not his “highest legislative priority” and that he is instead focusing on reducing unwanted pregnancies.

Father Thomas Hanley Clancy, SJ, 85, a native of Helena, died April 13. He was a professor and vice president of communications at Loyola University, provincial superior and director of the Jesuit seminary and mission bureau.

Recreating first brick chapel a dream of former Arkansan
ST. MARY’S CITY, Md. (CNS) -— When Henry Miller was a Catholic schoolboy in Arkansas, he told his mother about the first brick Catholic chapel built in the English American Colonies that he learned about in school.

Being a witness to the Gospel requires consistency in word and deed
When our 16-year-old daughter first earned her driver’s license, it was an occasion of great rejoicing on her part and more than a little anxiety on ours. As we watched her drive away by herself, we realized that she would fully exercise her newfound independence out of the range of our immediate supervision. We had to trust that she was going where she said she would, in the company of persons she knew we would approve of. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Living the theology of our bodies, part 3
This is the final installment of a three-part series on what Pope John Paul II called the three “infallible and indispensable” means for living the theology of our bodies: prayer, Eucharist and penance (see TOB 126:5). As we observed in the last column, to live the “theology” of our bodies means to recognize the plan of love that God has written into our bodies as male and female and to live in accord with it. (Columns)

‘Better arguments’ aren’t sole solution to debate
A great deal of commentary, including in these pages, has been published on the University of Notre Dame’s controversial decision to award President Barack Obama an honorary degree at its commencement this month. Most of the debate is within the U.S. Catholic community itself, but Catholics in other countries are weighing in as well. (Guest Commentary, Opinions)

This bishop could further divisions
Readers of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and its religion editor’s blog, Bible Belt Blogger, have been able to read about a dramatic debate that has been continuing for several months in the Episcopal church. Pairing previous theological and hierarchical differences and this newest debate, it paints a situation where it seems more and more unlikely that there could be unity between the Catholic and Episcopal churches. (Editorial)

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