Also in Arkansas Catholic’s April 25 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Franciscans reflect on their order’s 800th year
ASSISI, Italy (CNS) -— Brown-, gray- and black-hooded robes rustled, knotted white cords swung rhythmically, and sandaled feet crunched gravel.

Swift was one of the first deacons in state
William Swift, 85, a member of the first diaconate class for the Diocese of Little Rock and a member of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in North Little Rock, died April 6. (Obituaries)

Pope Benedict proclaims year of the priest
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Pope Benedict XVI declared a year of the priest in an effort to encourage “spiritual perfection” in priests.

Pope has quiet birthday with brother at villa
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI celebrated a low-key birthday with his brother at the papal villa in Castel Gandolfo.

Serving a cause should never come before care for people
Q. I have always been committed to the social teachings of the Catholic Church and to the causes of peace and justice. I’ve tried to live these out as I raised my children. Recently I was confronted by an acquaintance who has been much engaged with several projects in our community. She did her best, it seemed to me, to lay a heavy guilt trip on me because I am not where she is in her convictions or in her “activist” lifestyle. I do pretty well, I think, but I don’t understand her attitude or her anger that I’m not “in the trenches” with her. Is it her problem or mine? (Seeds of Faith, Question Corner)

Recovery after the storm
St. Agnes Church, though structurally sound, was hit hard by the Mena tornado April 9. The worst damage came from a large oak tree that fell between the church and rectory, knocking part of the eaves away, exposing a gap between the roof and ceiling of the church. The storm also blew off several roof tiles, damaged a stained glass window, bell tower louvers and bent a metal cross on the roof.

Pope Benedict proclaims year of the priest
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Pope Benedict XVI declared a year of the priest in an effort to encourage “spiritual perfection” in priests.

Pope has quiet birthday with brother at villa
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI celebrated a low-key birthday with his brother at the papal villa in Castel Gandolfo.

Lack of a well-formed conscience can divide
How can so many Catholics in the United States respond in the Nicene Creed, “We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church,” yet not believe all the teachings of the Catholic Church? I suppose during the creed they may whisper quietly to themselves, “except for abortion, pre-marital sex and embryonic stem-cell research.” Before 1930, every Christian denomination condemned the use of birth control. Now the Catholic Church stands alone in defending the truth on many moral issues. (Columns)

All faiths must require ‘safe environment’
After nearly seven years of experience with trying to face child sexual abuse in this country, we think it is time that the U.S. Church begins to challenge other denominations and youth organizations to follow our lead. (Editorial)

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