The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Cardinal George asks Obama to end immigration raids
CHICAGO — Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, joined by nearly a thousand people at a Chicago Catholic church, urged President Barack Obama and his administration to stop immigration raids and deportations that are separating families and to work toward more comprehensive immigration reform.
Unlike Cain
All of you are loving each other and I may be left out! That feeling, that particular fear, according to Robert Moore, lies at the base of jealousy. (Seeds of Faith)
In trials, strength comes from focusing on Christ’s suffering on cross
Last year Easter came early, and I found myself in Washington on the weekend of Palm Sunday at an annual meeting I have with other editors and the leadership of Catholic News Service. At a coffee shop near Dupont Circle that Sunday morning, I looked out on rain slick sidewalks, pondering some painful situations of people I care about very much. (Seeds of Faith, Word to Life)
Content-control technology takes spotlight
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Congress passes its fair share of laws, but after a bill becomes law measuring the effect of that bill often becomes a forgotten task to the citizens who elected their members of Congress.
Church reopens in New Orleans’ 9th Ward four years later
NEW ORLEANS (CNS) -— A trumpet blared the hymn “We Have Come Into This House” as about 400 people began singing and marching around the block to officially reopen St. David Church in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans.
How to live the theology of our bodies, part 2
We’re continuing with part two of a three-part series on what Pope John Paul II called the “infallible and indispensable” means for living the theology of our bodies (see TOB 126:5). To live the “theology” of our bodies means to recognize the plan of love that God has written into our bodies as male and female and to live in accord with it. This is what the Christian life is all about -— to love as Christ loved: “This is my body given for you.” (Columns)
Condom controversy returns
Over the past two weeks, Pope Benedict XVI has been criticized for what he and previous popes have said in the past and what the Church has taught. On a flight to Cameroon, the pope was asked about the use of condoms to combat the spread of AIDS. (Editorial)