Also in Arkansas Catholic’s March 28 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Visit to Africa
Pope Benedict XVI greets women and children in Luanda, Angola, March 21. (CNS photo)

Former prioress, principal dies March 6
Sister Norbert Hoelting, 95, former prioress of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, died March 6. (Obituaries)

Leader: Church becoming ‘one of the safest havens’ for kids
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— U.S. dioceses and religious orders spent more than $436 million in 2008 on settlements and other costs related to clergy sex abuse, a decrease of 29 percent over the $615 million paid out in the peak year of 2007.

Sacrament of penance is about reconciliation with God
Q. As a convert to the Catholic faith of only a few years, I have many problems and questions about the sacrament of penance, as I gather most other Catholics have also. One is about the “penance” the priest gives at the end. What is this for, to “make up” for our sins, as I’ve heard? How can we possibly do that? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Reflect: Whom -— or what —- is our master?
There were seven of us gals gathered around a coffee table with a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white and a lot of good chatter. (Columns)

Science has a rightful place in stem-cell debate
Though tempered by sober realism, President Obama’s inaugural address in January delivered a message of hope —- including a hope that science will help our nation solve its serious problems. (Opinions, Guest Columnist)

New Mexico governor’s courage
When politicians stand up for what they believe and make moral decisions that are unpopular with their constituents, we need to make sure they are publicly recognized. (Editorial)

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