Arkansas Catholic sponsoring photography contest

David G. Turner's photo of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers was featured on the cover of the 2009 diocesan directory.
David G. Turner's photo of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers was featured on the cover of the 2009 diocesan directory.

Arkansas Catholic is holding a contest to choose a photo for the cover of the 2010 diocesan directory. Any professional or amateur photographer in Arkansas can enter their photo of a Catholic church or institution in the diocese. March 20, 2009 is the deadline to enter the contest.
Dave Turner of Lowell won last year’s photo contest with a photo of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers. His photo was featured on the cover of the 2009 Catholic Diocese of Little Rock Directory.
Complete rules and an entry form are available on this page of the Arkansas Catholic Web site. For more information, call Emily Roberts at (501) 664-0340.

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