Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Feb. 28 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope reminds U.S. Speaker Pelosi to protect all human life
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Pope Benedict XVI met privately with U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives, and told her that all Catholics, especially those who are lawmakers, must work to protect human life at every stage.

Stimulus package will directly aid the poor
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— An Internet search of stories related to the passage of the economic stimulus package finds that small towns, large cities, social service agencies and even the manufacturers of digital converters for televisions all expect to benefit from a piece of the $787 billion pie.

Archbishop Dolan to succeed Cardinal Egan
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of Milwaukee as archbishop of New York and accepted the resignation of Cardinal Edward M. Egan, who has headed the archdiocese since 2000.

Sister of Mercy moved to Arkansas to retire
Sister Mary Matthew McCloskey, RSM, of Catherine McAuley Retirement Convent in Barling, died Feb. 15. She was 97. (Obituaries)

Gallup Poll: Arkansas among most religious states in U.S.
PRINCETON, N.J. (CNS) -— As part of a series titled “State of the States,” a new Gallup Poll ranked the top religious states in the United States and found Southern states ranked highest on the list, while several states in the Northeast ranked the lowest.

Bishop says hospitals won’t close, won’t comply with unjust laws
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (CNS) -— The Catholic Health Association’s board of trustees recently reaffirmed its opposition to any attempts by Congress or President Barack Obama to broaden abortion access and its commitment to keep Catholic hospitals open, Bishop Robert N. Lynch of St. Petersburg said in a Feb. 6 blog entry.

Humility, ego and greatness
For most of us, I suspect, the word ego has a negative connotation. To accuse someone of having a big ego is to accuse him of being overfull of himself, inflated, grandiose and lacking in humility. We almost always oppose the words ego and humility. To have a big ego is to not be humble. (Seeds of Faith)

Virginia Tech campus ministry honoring dead by making life count
Yes, it’s the season of Lent, but for many college students it is more famously the season of spring break — the annual week away from academic labors to rest, vacation or party. But an increasingly popular activity on the college scene is “alternative spring break.” The alternative these students choose is to use their week off for community service. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Freedom and responsibility: Doing the right thing
Dad gave me his old farm truck when I was a teenager. Even though it was worn out and rusty, I could call it my truck. (Columns)

What you can learn from teens in Lent
Reports that the recession is making teens “more aware of the needs of others” is appropriate news to share as we enter the sacred season of Lent. In difficult times, hopefully we all will analyze what is truly important and make those a priority in our lives. When we have so much, it is time for us to give more and be sacrificial. (Editorial)

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