Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Feb. 21 issue

The following are some of the stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Faith influences couple’s farming practices in Tennessee
PETERSBURG, Tenn. (CNS) -— On a chilly and damp winter morning John McGary kneels in front of row upon row of green leafy vegetables, sorting through freshly picked spring salad mix and carefully packing it into plastic containers for his customers.

Pope speaks with American Jews, confirms plan to visit Holy Land
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Meeting American Jewish leaders who were on their way to Israel, Pope Benedict XVI announced Feb. 12 that he, too, was preparing to visit the Holy Land.

Cardinal Thuan’s writings sought for sainthood cause
ROME (CNS) -— In preparation for opening the sainthood cause of the late Vietnamese Cardinal Francois Nguyen Van Thuan, the Diocese of Rome is looking for letters, manuscripts, diaries and anything else written by him.

God’s forgiveness can give us the strength to leave the past behind
The past has such an allure for us, especially as we get older. We love to tell stories of how it was “back in the day.” Whenever we gather with old friends, we tell and retell the same stories as though they had happened just last week. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Catholic Web site put in Lent book for pastors
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— In the 10 years since Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., began offering ministry guidance and aids on its Web site, the technology has exploded and so has the audience of the Catholic Web site, which received more than 21 million hits in the past year.

NFP today: Where have the married couples gone?
There used to be lots of married couples in our natural family planning classes because years ago a lot of people were looking for a moral and responsible way to plan their families. Today, we have mostly engaged couples in the classes because we have many wonderful priests who send their couples to learn NFP, or at least to learn what NFP is, as part of their marriage preparation. (Columns)

The taste of Lent: Cod meatballs, shrimp patties
In thinking about Lent this year the first thing that came to mind was food. The albóndigas de bacalao (cod meatballs) and potaje (garbanzo soup) of my mother, and tortas de camarón (dry shrimp patties in tomato sauce) of my mother-in-law. It can be said that Lent and Holy Week have some special flavors in the Hispanic community. That is probably true of every people and culture. (Opinions)

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