Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Jan. 24 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Jesuit journal praises, cautions on Facebook
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— From smoke signals to the telegraph, from telephones to Facebook, methods for keeping in touch with others far away are helpful, but they are never a substitute for meeting in person, said an Italian Jesuit magazine.

Brother Tobias dies after battling stomach cancer
SUBIACO -— Brother Tobias DeSalvo, OSB, a monk of Subiaco Abbey, died at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center in Fort Smith Jan. 18 after a two-month struggle with stomach cancer. He was 62.

Saint’s conversion challenges us to reflect on ‘why it is we believe’
My wife began her journey back to the Lord in 1988 at an air show at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, four years before I met her. Her story is tragic and miraculous. She had been living a fairly worldly life, doing some things that should have had her knocking at the door of the confessional, but in truth she had not darkened the door of a church for almost 10 years. (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

With Obama in office, groups press for immigration reform
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— They’ll be praying a novena in Chicago and conducting a religious cleansing ceremony at the Washington headquarters of the immigration enforcement agency.

Nonprofits embark on new ways to raise funds during latest recession
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The new faces coming through the doors at Catholic Urban Programs in East St. Louis, Ill., tell Joseph Hubbard it’s bad out there.

Obama sworn in with Bible Lincoln used at first inauguration
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— When President Barack Obama was sworn in Jan. 20 as the 44th president of the United States, he took the oath of office with his hand placed on the same Bible Abraham Lincoln used at his 1861 inauguration.

Bishops pledge to work with Obama on a variety of policy concerns
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has pledged that he and his fellow prelates will work with the administration of Barack Obama and the 111th Congress to “advance the common good and defend the life and dignity of all, especially the vulnerable and poor.”

At Springdale parish food pantry, we fill stomachs and feed souls
The heart of any ministry is its volunteers; and the St. Raphael food pantry’s heart beats strong and steady. (Columns)

Of illegal immigration and the right to life
I was shocked. Finally someone said it loud and clear: “Immigration is the greatest civil rights test of our generation … It is very close to the right to life.” And he said it with the authority that, in the Church, comes with the teaching office. It happened at a meeting of the Missouri Catholic Conference where Archbishop José Gomez of San Antonio, Texas, delivered a speech on continuing to fight for comprehensive immigration reform as soon as the new president and congress are sworn in.

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