Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Nov. 22 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

U.S. bishops issue position on abortion, possible ‘evil’ law
BALTIMORE (CNS) — Fears about laws and changes in regulations on abortion that might advance under a new Democratic-run Congress and White House are the central focus of a statement approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Nov. 12 during its annual fall meeting.

Sock it to me
Travis McAfee and Cindy Shaw, directors of religious education at St. Raphael Church in Springdale, collected donations from Georgette Ferus and Marjay Hignite’s first grade PRE class on Sunday, Nov. 17. Luke Fischer, John Paul Hignite, Vanessa Chiney and Emily Ware donated their change to the “Sock It Away-Operation Catechesis” program, which helps collect funds for those in the diocese affected by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

Oldest diocesan priest dies in Russelleville
Msgr. Rudolph Emil Maus, the diocese’s senior priest, died Nov. 13 at St. Mary Regional Medical Center in Russellville. He was 93. (Obituaries)

College of the Holy Cross reinvents freshman experience
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— The College of the Holy Cross, a small Jesuit college in Worcester, Mass., has reworked its program for freshmen in the hopes the students not only will adjust more quickly to college life but also will get a jump-start on what school administrators like to call “lifelong learning.”

Amish put Jesus’ teaching to forgive into practice after 2006 shooting
In the fall of 2006, the world was stunned by the news of a tragedy in an Amish community in Pennsylvania: a gunman had entered a schoolhouse in the rural community of Nickel Mines and opened fire, killing five young girls. (Understanding Our Church, Seeds of Faith)

Christ the King reigns with humility, service, not with power or force
A popular story describes a man stranded on his rooftop, praying as the floodwaters rise. When a boat with a rescue crew arrives, he refuses their help, saying, “No, God will save me.” Later, a helicopter pilot meets with the same response. Eventually the man drowns, and upon reaching heaven he asks God, “Why didn’t you save me?” whereupon God replies, “I sent you a boat and a helicopter!” (Word to Life, Seeds of Faith)

Authors give valuable works on American, universal Church
Boston College professor James O’Toole’s considerable gifts as a historian and writer make “The Faithful: A History of Catholics in America” both a pleasure to read and an important contribution to American Catholic history. (CNS Book Review)

Sins of usury, greed equal financial crisis
Usury is back. The great sin of the medieval world has made a comeback in modern American. If you don’t believe me, take a look at your credit card statement. My statement arrived the other day charging a whopping 57.69 percent annual percentage rate. (Columns)

Bishops approve blessing service for children in the womb
BALTIMORE (CNS) -— To fill a gap in existing prayer books, the U.S. bishops Nov. 11 overwhelmingly approved a liturgical service in English and Spanish for blessing children in the womb.

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