Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Oct. 18 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

1929 and 2008: Two periods of ‘incredible greed’
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Historian Douglas Astolfi points to three periods of “incredible greed” on the part of wealthy corporations in American history.

How does God answer prayers? Maybe that’s the wrong question
We learn from the Church five rich prayer types: blessing and adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise. When we ask how God answers, we do two things: we focus only on prayers of petition and intercession, and we miss the deepest meaning of prayer. (Seeds of Faith, Understanding our Church)

St. Isidore of Seville (560-636 A.D.): Spain’s unifier of the faith
St. Isidore was born into a noble family in Cartagena, Spain, around 560 A.D. During his long life, he was witness to great, sweeping changes in western Europe as the “Barbarian Horde from the North” was gradually assimilated into the fading Roman culture that had dominated for centuries. (Seeds of Faith, Our Sacred Treasure)

Can’t wait for the book? See the Bible at the movies or on TV
NEW YORK (CNS) -— It’s no secret that the Bible has long offered filmmakers a wealth of rich source material. The stories contained within this cornerstone of Judeo-Christian faith and pillar of Western literature provide an apparently irresistible mix of saints and sinners to those rapacious Tinseltown moguls always on the lookout for crowd pleasers in the public domain.

Sometimes pastors, politics get intertwined
Should pastors endorse political candidates from the pulpit? No. Should church bodies endorse candidates in elections? No. Should churches speak out about the moral content of social issues? Yes. (Columns)

In continent reports, bishops stress Bible-related priorities
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Translating the Bible, making a copy affordable, helping people understand it and, especially, helping people live its message are important tasks for the Catholic Church, although the priorities differ from continent to continent.

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